January Transfer Window 2023

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Headlines, lets have some...

"moshiri wrestles conscience as club fails to see any targets over the line"
"kenners confirms pile-driver at BMD fixed to continue construction"
"bax had clothesline full of offers of new finance"...
Yep stadium is what I'm assuming is absorbing the money. Fair point on Usmanov

I've been a longstanding critic of the stadium project. I never felt it was the right move for us while the product on the pitch wasn't good enough.

Now we are going through the embarrassment of our last season at Goodison being as a second tier club. Makes me pretty upset and angry to be honest. What a humiliation for everyone connected with the club.
Unfortunately can't really get on board with this just because a stadium takes so long to plan and build mate. Whereas you can go from looking relatively okay one season to being relegation battling the next.

A stadium takes the best part of a decade. Teams can go from top 4 to bottom 3 and back in that time.

There will be some footballers somewhere in the world who would fancy playing for Everton and earning 40 or 50 grand a week. We just aren't able to find these players.

Deadline day panic is no way to run an established Premier league club. Shame on everyone involved
true I guess - look at brentford

Gnonto cost Leeds £3.9 million.

Tonight we were willing to pay Sarr or Watford £4million in appearance fee bonuses, a £2mill loan fee, and a possible £30mill drip fed to Watford if we stayed up.

There ladies and gentlemen is the issue with the football club and it's recruiting.

Highlights that there are players out there for reasonable fees if you have a proper recruitment set up (Mitoma another prime example). We just don’t have a clue what we are doing.
Look lads, I know you all took the piss when I stated we have had some good times but really we have.

We finished 4th once under my stewardship, been to Wembley a couple of times and made a lot of money selling the likes of Rooney, Arteta, Lukaku, Richarlison and Gordon. Now I do balance this with the fact we may of wasted a little by spunking hundreds of millions on all our signing but heyho.

But we have tried our hardest to add to that group of players to improve the club, you only have to watch sky sports to see how many offers we have made but if the supporters won’t behave themselves and stop making ridiculous demands on the players like passing to each other whilst going forward, scoring more goals than what they are conceding and generally having a go then we would have a huge squad.

I do try my best to improve the club but it’s not down to me, look at Moshiri, he can’t even sack a [Poor language removed] manager where as I’ve sacked seven!!

one thing I will say is that I can’t make it to the games at the moment but am there in spirit, be it vodka or JD, and will say that like the phoenix we will rise, but to rise we have to fall first And we are far from this.

keep the faith, renew your season tickets soon and check the headlines tomorrow for some exciting news on the new stadium. As I reveal the first seat allocations, I’m really excited, it’s mine!!!!!


Blue Bill
If we put 2+2 together it's one of two things (or maybe a bit of both)

1 - the stadium is absolutely rinsing us and we need funds to ensure that there's money in the bank for that. To fulfill our agreement with Lang O'Rourke there'll have to be a certain amount available at any one time.

2- Usmanov's assets being froze really damaged Moshiri's investment in the club. He is going to sell up sooner rather than later and why throw good money after bad?
We can’t really spend how ever much money we have FFP stops us from doing that, but I agree I do think Moshiri is looking to sell in the near future.

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