2018/19 Yerry Mina

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How could they have qualified for Europe each of the last 10 seasons when they were relegated in 2012 and subsequently not even in La Liga the following year. As I’ve already said they didn’t win any cups. Where are you getting that info?

Crying at this.

Dave calling the Spanish West Ham a top Spanish club.

Zouma hasnt had a preseason either.

It depends what level of fitness they can get in a week.
True difference with Zouma is he's been in training most of pre-season bar a small knock I believe, Mina had two days in training I think. Also Zouma has PL experience but yes it will be interesting to see. I expect Holgate will start with one from the bench to be honest.

True difference with Zouma is he's been in training I believe but yes it will be interesting to see. I expect Holgate will start with one from the bench to be honest.

Well Mina has been training and playing, he only had 3 weeks off, so I dunno who will be fitter, Zouma didnt travel with Chelsea for their preseason so he was probably eating bacon butties all day at chelseas training ground.
Silva talked about giving the new players a pre-season. I wonder if this means a few weeks training with the team the odd few minutes off the bench and a closed doors game or two? I can't see him chucking more than one in at a time the team needs a consistency with new players bled in gradually with minutes/rotation.
Depends Zouma also has PL experience. I don't think either will start tbh but one on the bench?

I think theres a chance they could both start personally, but probably only slight.

No doubt we will find out more throughout the week, at this point who even knows the level of their fitness, if they have even started training?
I think with CBs it's an important position in terms of needing to know your team mates, organisation and set up. I see the likes of Bernard getting more subs initially. But guessing one of Zouma and Mina will get a sub Saturday then maybe a start depending on their fitness and how Holgate/Keane do.

I expected Holgate and Keane to start the next two matches, unless they are terrible against Soton. Then there is the international break, and Silva can figure out what wants to going forward. Gotta think one, if not both, will be on the bench though.
But he wasn’t. He said he’d be the worst buy ever as he was league one standard.

Whilst he wasn’t fantastic, he wasn’t the worst buy ever.

The words Tim vickery should be filtered on here as a banned phrase for the utter wham he chats.


RFM was a heck of a lot better than Vickery cracked on he would be.
I still think we may see one of the above. But if Zouma settles maybe not. Holgate is a very talented 21 year old Centre back too.

I am only going off one game, but this lad is tailor made for the Premier league. He's our best signing of the summer and may well end up be the best buy of the season.
Surely you don't mean better than Danny Ings!

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