Transfer Rumour Wayne Rooney

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What a nonsense argument.

So because he was lucky enough to have the natural ability to be good at football, and lucky enough to be picked up by Everton, that makes him a bigger blue than the rest of us? thats bizzare logic, if we take your argument to its logical yet ridiculous conclusion he must be a bigger Utd fan than all the mancs inside Old Trafford too then? look at everything hes won there, the goals hes scored, can any of those fans say that...? no they cant....

Also lets ignore the fact he kissed the Utd badge, at Goodison, while celebrating wildy infront of our own fans at the first game since Alan Ball passed away, yeah, massive blue.

He got that ability from having a desire and will to play for Everton. It wasn't luck, it was hard work and effort.

He got dogs abuse from the crowd that day and he reacted by kissing the badge. Probably not the best idea he has had but he was kid and done in a moment of madness.

Wow, you are still upset by it. Is this due to a bad split up you have had in the past?? Time to move on and let the anger go.
Henrick Larsson was not playing week in week out in one of the top leagues along with international tournaments every other season for the whole of his career. He was playing in Sweden, The Netherlands and Scotland.

Also when he was signed as an older player for Barcelona he was showing that he could still go at his age (albeit in a lesser league) which is something Rooney has not shown for two seasons.
Ibrahimovic, Sheringham??? Gareth Barry???

What's the odds when he scores he takes off his top revealing 'once a blue, always a blue' again?

I might get me some of that action if it's 5-1 or higher. Seems like something he would do.
Imagine finding a negative in signing a record breaking goal scorer who is still only 31, that's Evertonians for you.

Can't wait to hear the chants of ROONEY ROONEY when he's coming on to smash one in against Stoke.

We will pay him-an impact sub/bench player - more than our first team starters. That's a problem.

Are they just linking us with Jimenez because we are buying everyone? We've become 'that' team eh?

I was in a pub earlier and amongst the free papers was the horrible s.. It included an article with Ev£rton in the title.

It seems we have money! God help us!
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He got that ability from having a desire and will to play for Everton. It wasn't luck, it was hard work and effort.

He got dogs abuse from the crowd that day and he reacted by kissing the badge. Probably not the best idea he has had but he was kid and done in a moment of madness.

Wow, you are still upset by it. Is this due to a bad split up you have had in the past?? Time to move on and let the anger go.
A kid? He was in his mid twenties!

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