Walter Smith

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It has to be said his time here was horrendous. The football was dire but he wasn't helped in that by Johnson handing him cash then taking it away again. It was an unhappy period for the club.

He must have been a decent manager to get Rangers to a Euro final though.

IMO Smith's greatest achievement was continuing the Souness revolution at Rangers. He didn't try and turn back the clock to the old days, but dragged that club (if not its supporters) into the modern age of football. For me that's his legacy.

For me Walter and Ally Mccoist represented all that was good and decent about football, and i suppose those two were among the main reasons, why i took a liking to Rangers. The players who played in that 1991 league title win, insist that Walter gets all credit for that title win.

Souness walked out, to thankfully completely eff up the rs for a good thirty years, but Walter won the matches, to make sure that Rangers pipped Aberdeen to the title. Souness doing a runner so late in the season, could have rocked the club, but Walter made sure that it didn't. So yes on and off the pitch, he was very good for that club.
...who will ever forget that cup tie away at Middlesborough, when only a way-past-his-best Gazza was the only Everton player who seemed to think it was an important game. None of the other ten should ever have been allowed to wear the shirt again. Gazz pulled what was left of his tripe out for his friend WAlter but no one else was bothered.
In tribute to this site, I actually did watch that game in my Ma’s box room. The estate pitch was right outside my house and I watched my mates in the 25 aside through the bedroom window and knowing that 12 minute collapse would bring me pellets.

My first ever away league game as a young 17 year old. Thanks for the memories Walter Smith. R.I.P
Struth and Wallace turning in their graves no doubt.
I was just able to buy a pint when Smith took over and the Celtic lads at home gave me short thrift over it. Ian Durrant was worse than Dunc for whatever reason, me being a day out at the pub Celtic fan than a real supporter.

But fair play to the man for doing it. He could have easily avoided it but he chose to be his own man and respect an adversary.
I was just able to buy a pint when Smith took over and the Celtic lads at home gave me short thrift over it. Ian Durrant was worse than Dunc for whatever reason, me being a day out at the pub Celtic fan than a real supporter.

But fair play to the man for doing it. He could have easily avoided it but he chose to be his own man and respect an adversary.
A decent man at an odious club.

I was just able to buy a pint when Smith took over and the Celtic lads at home gave me short thrift over it. Ian Durrant was worse than Dunc for whatever reason, me being a day out at the pub Celtic fan than a real supporter.

But fair play to the man for doing it. He could have easily avoided it but he chose to be his own man and respect an adversary.
Burns and Smith were not adversaries. They were best(ish) mates!

Tommy Burns was an absolute gem of a man. Would spend his afternoons visiting sick children.
Honestly reckon had other managers been in charge when he was, we could have been relegated. An absolute cesspit of a club at that time. Looking down the back of the couch for funds. He squeezed what he could at that time and got players in because of who he was. Always represented EFC well and really wished it was more successful for him but that was out of his hands. RIP.

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