Unfair refereeing and Everton.

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We did more than enough to deserve the win. If we were Newcastle fans would you think we deserved a point?

The kicker for me is that whilst you often get one of those decisions go against you, having both go against you in a game you then draw... argh. It's awful.

Thank [Poor language removed] the ref stopped play when they were countering. I had flashbacks to Villa the other year when someone crashed a shot and it hit the crossbar and bounced over the line, but they didn't give it, they countered immediately and Bent scored. Injustice isn't the word.
The kicker for me is that whilst you often get one of those decisions go against you, having both go against you in a game you then draw... argh. It's awful..

It was so ****, just because we should have been out of sight and we all knew it and when we finally got our second everyone went ape****, I was hugging some big fat **** I'd never met, it was like we'd just won a derby. And then we all stood slackjawed as the ****ers made it into our box for like the third time all game and our defence just stepped to one side and let them score.

We didn't even groan or sigh, we were just bloody shellshocked. It was like being dumped ten seconds after an orgasm.

I haven't seen any replays but it seemed like all the 50-50s went their way, too. I would have given us at least one penalty.


You are both right, reasons for the result are not black and white.

For me though we didn't kill the game off in the 1st half. One of those chances goes in and we would be sitting in 3rd. 2nd half we switched off at crucial times but on the whole still created enough chances to win and were robbed of 2 goals.
It was like being dumped ten seconds after an orgasm.


I was watching it at home in the morning and I think I assaulted my leg from hitting it so hard and so many times when Vic scored. Then.... then... that.

It was almost like the team felt justice had been served and the game would pan out the way it should have. In a game that should be remembered for an important tribute, the officials had to make it all about themselves.

I was watching it at home in the morning and I think I assaulted my leg from hitting it so hard and so many times when Vic scored. Then.... then... that.

It was almost like the team felt justice had been served and the game would pan out the way it should have. In a game that should be remembered for an important tribute, the officials had to make it all about themselves.

Flapper 'Starfish' Howard didn't help mind.......

Flapper 'Starfish' Howard didn't help mind.......

I seem to remember that bald lino having a mare at our place before, running the other side line I think, but can't remember the opposition
The offsides call is inexcusable. He was in position to make the call and blew it.

I hate to stick up for the guy on the second one, but how in the world is he supposed to be in position to see if a ball is just over the line, if his primary role is to call offsides and run with either the second to last defender or the ball? It's just not possible, the only time he should be standing on the goal line is on a corner kick. These guys need help and soon.
The offsides call is inexcusable. He was in position to make the call and blew it.

I hate to stick up for the guy on the second one, but how in the world is he supposed to be in position to see if a ball is just over the line, if his primary role is to call offsides and run with either the second to last defender or the ball? It's just not possible, the only time he should be standing on the goal line is on a corner kick. These guys need help and soon.

If you honestly think that a human being in one spilt second as two players are moving in opposite directions at speed and are level all within the width of someones foot can make a 100% correct judgement then i'm really sorry but you and everyone else actually blaming the linesman for us not winning that much are talking rubbish.

I was as furious as the next guy last night at both dislllowed goals but upon watching the replays i was able to take off my blue tinted glasses and see that while it appears both decisions were wrong, it was only after watching slow motion replays of both that allowed me to do so.

The officials of course didn't have that luxury.

And of course if the first goal had been allowed to stand its probably 99.9 recurring likely that the second would have been scored in that way so we simply would have had a 2-1 lead. Which we evntually got anyway but failed to hold onto it so its just as likely we would have failed to do so if the first or even second goal had been allowed.

Making judgements like those last night are very very difficult and the vast majority of football fans need to understand why officals get those decisions "wrong", and its not simply because they're all ****.
If you honestly think that a human being in one spilt second as two players are moving in opposite directions at speed and are level all within the width of someones foot can make a 100% correct judgement then i'm really sorry but you and everyone else actually blaming the linesman for us not winning that much are talking rubbish
The officials of course didn't have that luxury.
Making judgements like those last night are very very difficult and the vast majority of football fans need to understand why officals get those decisions "wrong", and its not simply because they're all ****.

If that's the case then why even have linesmen? Obviously the one thing they're there to actually do is humanly impossible.
It's their JOB. They're TRAINED to see that stuff. If they can't do it, we should sack them off.

Officials make mistakes and it's part of the game. It's his primary job to call offsides, though, and if he misses one it's poor.

The goal line thing, it's just not possible for him to be in two places at once.
If that's the case then why even have linesmen? Obviously the one thing they're there to actually do is humanly impossible.
It's their JOB. They're TRAINED to see that stuff. If they can't do it, we should sack them off.

Officials make mistakes and it's part of the game. It's his primary job to call offsides, though, and if he misses one it's poor.

The goal line thing, it's just not possible for him to be in two places at once.

The linesman job is to flag for offside when he thinks a player is offside according the to laws of the game. I explained just how goddamn difficult it is, infact its damn near impossible to do that with 100% accuracy.

Its a goalkeepers job to not concede goals. They still do. Its a strikers job to score goals. They still miss. The best goalkeepers and strikers in the world make mistakes.

So do linesman and referees. When its blatant obvious "mistakes" or getting the laws wrong sure, criticise. But when its a split second decision that is virtually impossible to accuratly judge with the human eye : you can accept and move on or whinge about it but you'll never change it.

Of course video evidence should be introduced to help them make the right decisions. Why? Because like i said, there's a reason why they need that help, just like last night its not because they're crap or on the take.
Not sure I understand. So we're not supposed to judge players or officials on their mistakes?

If your point is that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes, well, of course. No argument here.
does anyone remember that shocking ashley young dive last season where everyone could see it was a dive, except the linesman who was fooled by it. yep, same fat linesman as last night, he's from the next county to me and it makes me ashamed to know that was a welshman. they are fully trained, you can tell by their physique that none of these linesmen/women have played too much football in the past and therefore don't understand the sports all too well. i'm not saying it's an easy job, but when they're in the perfect position, they should be getting those decisions right. the offside was worse as anichebe's effort could be difficult to judge, the fact that it was cleared so close to the floor made the decision a lot easier to make though. i know you shouldn't go on player reaction because they can be decieving, but surely from player and fan celebration you would have to presume it was a goal. seriously though, video technology not being enforced is scandelous in this day and age, especially considering the money going around in football. imagine if that costs us a champions league place, all that money and chance to grow. just like the horror decision we got against villareal that would have improved us greatly as a club. i don't want to moan about it but it does seem that we are playing against more than just 11 footballers all to frequently
Not sure I understand. So we're not supposed to judge players or officials on their mistakes?

If your point is that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes, well, of course. No argument here.

Surely i've made it clear that i'm fine with judging officials when they make blatant clear unforgivable errors. But the 2 last night that cost us were completly opposite of that and is simply human error which cannot be eradicated unfortunatly.

Its like if a striker misses 2 compleltly open goals in a match he'd be right criticised. However if he missed a half volley that came over his shoulder and a diving header he just couldn't quite reach to direct it at goal you'd understand why he missed those chances right?

Its the same for the decisions last night, you have to understand why the officals didn't give them in our favour. And its not because they're gash and need demoting because you could replace them with any official in the world and it would be pure pot luck that they'd get those decisions right.

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