The new manager will be chosen by the fans

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If BK is hiring someone based on how fans will react before we've even kicked a ball in training under that manager's leadership then he is approaching this entirely the wrong way.

How do you "listen to the fans" in a practical sense? We are reasonably united on who we don't want but pretty divided on who we do want. Actually here is a quick test:

Question: Is candidate a realistic option for EFC?

If answer is yes: Fans hate him.

If answer is "are you insane why would he manage Everton?": Fans like him.

Someone like Martinez is some people's first choice and other people's worst nightmare. To which set of fans do you listen?

For all we know they've spoken with Laudrup and he's not interested (or the comp is a no-go). He's the front-runner by a massive margin in the poll here on GoT. 40% or so want him in our poll. So 40% of the votes could be garbage from the off since we are working on incomplete information.

The best option might be a relative unknown. The majority of fans haven't heard about him so don't mention him. Doesn't mean it's a bad hire.

Even if he was being genuine I'm not sure how helpful we as fans would be in the process. In fact we could be a negative. If they picked Neville the fan reaction would be overwhelmingly negative ... but we don't actually know. We could be completely wrong and he's the best option. Unlikely I grant you ... but what about Martinez? I think he's a bad choice but who knows. I think Laudrup is a good shout ... but maybe he'd be terrible ... I don't really know. Hell Mourinho could come here and get us relegated when it turns out he's horrible at doing the "no budget" thing.

So basically ... screw the fans. ;) You've been doing it for over a decade Billy why stop now? Make the best decision regardless of how it will be perceived on day one. Just not Lennon. Or Martinez. Or ... oh I can't help myself.

It's just Bill talk mate. No one takes what he says seriously. If he opens his mouth it's more than likely a lie.

I'm shaking my head reading all this stuff by some people who take him at his word and are wasting their time petitioning him on forums like this: "Bill, if you're reading this..."


He'd hire Souness if it was right for him.
Ring his office up 020 7446 6200 haha I seen someone post it on Facebook and so i rang it an left a message with the receptionist ha
Should have pretended to be Lennon/Hughes/O'Neil and declared you're not interested ;)

LOL. While I don't want Neville he's not even the scariest option. I'm just assuming he wouldn't be good because he has no experience; there are other candidates I think won't work out because they DO have experience and have therefore confirmed they can't do well in the Prem.

Not the scariest option? you must have nerves of steel.

Neville Round Hughes infact all the moyes-lites both wannabes and never willbes Vs them I would even consider the FSW.
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