The Everton Board Thread

I haven't moaned about KT - I primarily blame Moshiri, Kenwright and DBB... plus Koeman and Allardyce, and to a slightly lesser degree, the FSW.

Thats fair enough - but the only way forward is to back Thelwell and have patience in him trying to sort the mess out.

The fans jumping on his back because the problems of the last 5-8 years haven't been reversed in one summer window are doing more damage than good.

We need a united fanbase.
Thats fair enough - but the only way forward is to back Thelwell and have patience in him trying to sort the mess out.

The fans jumping on his back because the problems of the last 5-8 years haven't been reversed in one summer window are doing more damage than good.

We need a united fanbase.
As regards the fanbase, I'd suggest we need far, far more to realise that until the hierarchy/ownership is changed, we'll continue to be an operational mess.
Thats fair enough - but the only way forward is to back Thelwell and have patience in him trying to sort the mess out.

The fans jumping on his back because the problems of the last 5-8 years haven't been reversed in one summer window are doing more damage than good.

We need a united fanbase.

…ha, ha yet another pop at the fans.

A United fanbase with the club in this state. Fortunately the fans United to get rid of Benitez, you should be thankful of our fans rather than permanently criticising them.
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As regards the fanbase, I'd suggest we need far, far more to realise that until the hierarchy/ownership is changed, we'll continue to be an operational mess.

Moshiri's a good egg mate, so long as he keeps letting Thelwell do his job and he backs him with funds thats all I can ask.

Would like to see Kenwright do one but realistically he isn't going anywhere and I think as fans that needs to be accepted.

West Ham hate their owners yet they're doing well because they've rallied behind Moyes who's sorted the club oot.

Hopefully Thelwell can do the same here but that can only happen with fans not rioting at Goodison every 5 seconds we need to rally behind the club now and trust the process.
Moshiri's a good egg mate, so long as he keeps letting Thelwell do his job and he backs him with funds thats all I can ask.

Would like to see Kenwright do one but realistically he isn't going anywhere and I think as fans that needs to be accepted.

West Ham hate their owners yet they're doing well because they've rallied behind Moyes who's sorted the club oot.

Hopefully Thelwell can do the same here but that can only happen with fans not rioting at Goodison every 5 seconds we need to rally behind the club now and trust the process.
That’s very questionable
…ha, ha yet another pop at the fans.

A United fanbase with the club in this state. Fortunately the fans United to get rid of Benitez, you should be thankful of our fans rather than permanently criticising them.

Maybe if the fans united on more occasions than just a few games to see off a manager and to avoid the drop the mood around the club might be more positive ?

Or if you believe booing our own manager and players every other game and protesting at an owner who's pumped hundreds of millions on players and building a world class stadium motivates the lads in the dressing room to run through brick walls for the crest ?
Thats fair enough - but the only way forward is to back Thelwell and have patience in him trying to sort the mess out.

The fans jumping on his back because the problems of the last 5-8 years haven't been reversed in one summer window are doing more damage than good.

We need a united fanbase.
Mate, he's got one of the fundamentals wrong. To win games you have to have a fit striker. We haven't had one for 3 weeks.
It's his job to have plans a-z. He knew we one had one first team striker ( Rondon doesn't count, he makes James look fit by comparison) and he hasn't acted or insist that the board act.
What does he expect Frank to do with a half fit Rondon especially after letting Simms go?
3 games. 9 points.

And if we weren't run and hadn't been run like a circus for almost the entirety of the Moshiri era, we wouldn't have P&S issues.
The bottom line is that practically all our transfer activity since he arrived has been chaotic since he arrived, and he's allowed stupid spending and stupid wages to put us in this position.
Well it Is, it what it is. Everyone harking on about the past we can’t affect that now. It’s gone. This is where we are and we’ve got to get the big calls right. Weve had a decent window so far. If we get a decent midfielder, striker and a couple of wild card loans i think we will be ok. But we have to get these signings right. Put it this way, I would rather sign a quality striker later in the window than panic buy one tomorrow because that would have greater ramifications later in the season than the present.
I was thinking about how much money it would cost to phone the premium Everton hotline everyday ( can't remember the name for the official gossip number and it's really p'ing me off) if it was still going today to check up to see if Gana has signed since we were linked with him.
I remember phoning it nearly every day ( the transfer deadline was in March, MARCH) and I had to sell my Sega mega drive and games to pay my mum pack. She kept every penny and gave it back to me when I kicked the habit.
I'm guessing I'm not the only junkie here. I'm hoping really.
My apologies Mods, I've totally put this in the wrong thread. Blame it on the withdrawals.
I don't get this 3 games 9 points shout - we'd be doing well to average 2 points per game.
We only averaged 1 point per game last year when we woeful.

We have had a COUPLE of games and been competitive in them.

You can't expect all of the business to be done before game 1. Particularly when it has been so poorly ran for so long.

Frank and Kevin seem to be joining up and are being smart under the cards they were dealt.

Give them time and support, you can't heap the frustration of the past into pressurising those in charge now.

Kenwright and Co must go. But have patience that change is coming and we look to be approaching everything better than we had under Moshiri before.

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