Still want a takeover?

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Someone who is willing to invest Money in the club,Sit back and put a replacement in place of Bullshit Billy,This would be the way to go.There is plenty of Top level Directors out there who run Multi million Pound companys.

I actually think "bullshit billy" would be great if he had the cash at his disposal.
I actually think "bullshit billy" would be great if he had the cash at his disposal.
I disagree. The contempt shown by some Everton employees and the club in general towards the supporters is sickening and in the end it's up the major shareholders. They even seem to endorse this.

This is the thing that pisses me off most about Kenwright, not his lack of money or ability to run a football club.
Very true he has money available through the natrual growth of the club and infrastructure, under a board who have been there for Donkeys years and have gradually grew the club.

As for Villa i think a close inspection of the debt they have occured which was nil when Learner took over, is now £73 mill on last seasons figues so giving may be the wrong adjetive, which happens to be approaching more then double Evertons debt by the way.

I agree with you about Villa. There was some puzzled Villa fans at the point of takeover by Lerner. It looks like Lerner leveraged the money to takeover at Villa by raising it from a Lerner family trust, a debt which requires servicing and eventual payback. I'm not saying he's super-exploiting the club in the way of Glaser or Hicks/Gillett but there's more there than meets the eye.
I agree with you about Villa. There was some puzzled Villa fans at the point of takeover by Lerner. It looks like Lerner leveraged the money to takeover at Villa by raising it from a Lerner family trust, a debt which requires servicing and eventual payback. I'm not saying he's super-exploiting the club in the way of Glaser or Hicks/Gillett but there's more there than meets the eye.

When you look at what Lerner does at Villa which is basicly borrow and put the debt on the clubs books, its not that different to what Bill does at Everton. In fact Lerner has borrowed more in a frightingly short space of time - if they borrow at the rate they have since Lerner took over their debt is going to top the 100mill mark at the end of next season. Thats were all the money has come from rather then Lerners back pocket.

As much as we have all be frustrated with Bill and not splashing the cash, we look in a lot healthier condition then almost all PL clubs or certainly up there with Arsenal and Spurs IMO.
When you look at what Lerner does at Villa which is basicly borrow and put the debt on the clubs books, its not that different to what Bill does at Everton. In fact Lerner has borrowed more in a frightingly short space of time - if they borrow at the rate they have since Lerner took over their debt is going to top the 100mill mark at the end of next season. Thats were all the money has come from rather then Lerners back pocket.

As much as we have all be frustrated with Bill and not splashing the cash, we look in a lot healthier condition then almost all PL clubs or certainly up there with Arsenal and Spurs IMO.



We are in a good postion, especially if Plantini gets his way. An anyone in massive debt misses out on european football.
We are in a good postion, especially if Plantini gets his way. An anyone in massive debt misses out on european football.

I suspect there'd be many ways around the problem of showing a deficit on income for three years running if you have a sugar daddy owner.
The majority of prem clubs are carrying sizeable debts, in fact one could say it is no more than a house of cards!! If the bubble was to burst is Everton in a position to be able to weather that storm.
The majority of prem clubs are carrying sizeable debts, in fact one could say it is no more than a house of cards!! If the bubble was to burst is Everton in a position to be able to weather that storm.

Far more so than many others Robert!

We have both forecast the day of reckoning and it not far away mate, it will hit the south coast next week, Pompey will go into Admin following the next High Court hearing

Ah I get it. Keep our selves in a healthy finacial position and wait for everyone else to go in to Admin, winning the league, F.A cup, Carling cup and already in the group stages with the Champions league . Bill you excellent [Poor language removed]. :lol:
The majority of prem clubs are carrying sizeable debts, in fact one could say it is no more than a house of cards!! If the bubble was to burst is Everton in a position to be able to weather that storm.

Far more so than many others Robert!

We have both forecast the day of reckoning and it not far away mate, it will hit the south coast next week, Pompey will go into Admin following the next High Court hearing

Pompey is the example that I think of when people say "Bill, sell to the first bs that comes along." We don't trust him with the club, whey should those who hate him trust him to sel to a reputable new owner? You can't have it both ways, Oh, sorry, some on this forum can.

I don't honestly believe that Bill wants someone to buy him out. I think he wants an investor. I'd like him to stay, but as a figurehead only.
Pompey is the example that I think of when people say "Bill, sell to the first bs that comes along." We don't trust him with the club, whey should those who hate him trust him to sel to a reputable new owner? You can't have it both ways, Oh, sorry, some on this forum can.

I don't honestly believe that Bill wants someone to buy him out. I think he wants an investor. I'd like him to stay, but as a figurehead only.

your thoughts are mine as well BT.............we want money but it has to be right...............
We have to be careful. We do not want anyone like the Glazers or Gillette/Hicks who in real terms borrow the money from the club to buy the club. That is in essence what they have done.

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