Sir David of Moyes

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Davie will at one stage sooner or later will no longer be manager of the club, when i'm in bed (if the wifes asleep) I may think about who will be next to sit in the Goodison hot-seat.

I' mean he's not going to be our boss forever, and when the time comes I wonder who will take over, I know Royle sort of went pear shaped towards the end but i would like to see him back one last time as manager, I'm in the minority though.

I wonder what Mike Walker is doing these days.

Alan Irvine is David Moyes Part II
David Moyes is a good manager, yes. But for a moment I would like you to consider Tony Mowbray, he took West Brom. from being an average side to being very nice to watch football team. Granted they didn't win many games and were relegated in their first season but I have respect for a manager like that.
Where was it I read that someone wanted Allardyce to be our next manager? Here :blink:, somewhere anyway.

After today? Honestly. :lol:

David has an unbelieveable amount of blood, sweat and tears invested into this club now and, as a manager, I don't think he'd find leaving that easy of a decision (if it was left up to him).

If you think we want to see this succeed, just image what it must be like to actually be waving the master hand over the last 8 years to be at this point now. He's done a hell of a job, for the most part, and I hope it all bears fruit for him and us.
Got a lot of stick after the Fulham game and people still think hes there for shots to be taken at. Hes the best Manager in the League, wouldnt swop him for ANYBODY in World Football.

If it wasnt for Moyes we would be in the Championship. We would have had 3-4 average jokers who no way could have done what hes done for £4m net a season.

Take a bow David, I know you will read this, I just wanna say I love you and never leave us.

This deserves a Group hug;)
As usual, the Osman detractors are missing the point.

This is a thread about Moyes, right ? So why not give Moyes credit for recognising that the right side of midfield needs strengthening and scouting out a top international wing player ? We saw against AEK that when Billy and Pienaar are deemed fit to start Moyes has no compunctions about leaving Osman on the bench. So what's the problem here, exactly ?

Got a lot of stick after the Fulham game and people still think hes there for shots to be taken at. Hes the best Manager in the League, wouldnt swop him for ANYBODY in World Football.

If it wasnt for Moyes we would be in the Championship. We would have had 3-4 average jokers who no way could have done what hes done for £4m net a season.

Take a bow David, I know you will read this, I just wanna say I love you and never leave us.

I agree that he is a great manager, and personally I adore the guy, but I disagree about all this ' without Moyes we would be in the championship ' nonsense, as that is rather presumptuous, as is the presumption that no other manager could have built a team.

Moyes is our manager, and as fans we all love him, but I haven't seen too many posts on here, if any, that have been written solely with the intention of taking shots at the guy.

What I have seen is sensible debate about our situation, which is rather different.
I agree that he is a great manager, and personally I adore the guy, but I disagree about all this ' without Moyes we would be in the championship ' nonsense, as that is rather presumptuous, as is the presumption that no other manager could have built a team.

Moyes is our manager, and as fans we all love him, but I haven't seen too many posts on here, if any, that have been written solely with the intention of taking shots at the guy.

What I have seen is sensible debate about our situation, which is rather different.

How is that taking shots at Moyes oh fluffy one?
For me, it's a discussion about how we can improve, but for you, it might be something different, but don't come to me proclaiming something as 'fact', when it's merely your opinion. :)

Its pretty damning though, reading that back isnt it? Thought we played some lovely stuff today against a team that really does "hoof".

Its ok to admit you were wrong on this occasion.

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