Sir David of Moyes

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Got a lot of stick after the Fulham game and people still think hes there for shots to be taken at. Hes the best Manager in the League, wouldnt swop him for ANYBODY in World Football.

If it wasnt for Moyes we would be in the Championship. We would have had 3-4 average jokers who no way could have done what hes done for £4m net a season.

Take a bow David, I know you will read this, I just wanna say I love you and never leave us.
do i want him to leave / get sacked ( far too much upheavel involved that would rightly **** u s up)

but in fairness he isnt above gettin some stick if its justified( no one is) we are fans not robots and when things go wrong at times he maybe partially to blame so i sa y sling it if its justified

I take it this is partly aimed at me?

His subs are terrible, always have been. It's his only problem, but none of them make any sense.

Today not one of those subs came on and made a difference, and I didn't expect them to.

Next week or the week after when we complain at why Yak isn't starting, and it will be because he is lacking match fitness, today was perfect to throw him on and give him 15 minutes of a game already won.

We could have given James Wallace and Agard a run out, maybe see how they react to playing in front of the home crowd. Give them some experience.

Other than his subs he is the tits like, but it bugs me.

It is only one game, do not get carried away.

Any manager who selects Osman to start obviously shows that his marbles are not all round!:lol:
Got a lot of stick after the Fulham game and people still think hes there for shots to be taken at. Hes the best Manager in the League, wouldnt swop him for ANYBODY in World Football.

If it wasnt for Moyes we would be in the Championship. We would have had 3-4 average jokers who no way could have done what hes done for £4m net a season.

Take a bow David, I know you will read this, I just wanna say I love you and never leave us.
You've just come off my ignore list. Totally agree with your post.
Its aimed at you and "your sort". Dont think just cos you collected some sticker books a few years ago you know more than Moyes, you dont and 1 on 1, fist fight, he would destroy you.

Right so when is the best time to:

1. Blood the youngsters
2. Give star strikers much needed playing time to sharpen up their fitness

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