2023/24 Sean Dyche

I agree that he should not be judged against arsenal. I also agree with those saying today was a free hit. It was the way we set up today and our gameplan which is worrying to me. We havent been as negative as today in all our other matches. We havent set up like today either. It looked to me like the players did what the manager wanted them to do. Thats my concern. We conceded so much to an arsenal side who still look to me a bit fragile. I wanted us to go out and show aggression and be strong in the tackle as well as looking to cause them problems. Turn their back four. Make their midfield face their own goal and have to fight for posession. We did none of that. I think dyche held our players back today. I think he went for 0-0. I saw no attacking gameplan at all and that wont do. I dont know how fit calvert lewin is but i wouldve tried 2 up front today and gone long. Press them back to their box. It was a free hit. Go for it. Get the crowd involved in the game. Show the crowd you are willing to try something different. On dyche that today for me.

There was Erieness in the crowd today.
I think fans are punch drunk after the window, 777 and a forebodingness of playing Arsenal.

Was chalk amd cheese between the atmosphere in Dyches first game against Arsenal and this one.

People are tired and worn.

The team could have helped admittedly the thing that disappointed me most today was us standing off them a bit and not putting in a leveler tackle or two and make them think.
I worry that there will be paralysis at board room level while 777 try to convince everyone they’ve got enough money down the back of the sofa so can afford to buy us. This could rumble on for months and end with Moshiri still in charge when he clearly wants out. I don’t think Dyche will be removed from his job regardless of results while this is going on. Which given how we’ve started the season is a massive concern.

....... or maybe compile some proper evidence before making major decisions, rather than work on the basis of after match adrenaline and disappointment.
4 losses in 5 this season.
1 point from 15.

5 wins in 23 (which i believe is a 21.8% win percentage)

Good evidence base building up.

But yeah, let’s continue with someone who is doing a better job than both Benitez and Lampard at trying to be worse than Mike Walker.
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This is an on field issue for me. In game management, are the players sticking to a rigid formula and afraid to take matters into their own hands? Reid would have been kickin ass to get a man out to them. It comes down to having a brain and some character in a shirt on the pitch. Take some responsibility.
The lack of a leader at the back has been an ongoing issue post-Jagielka, and we don't even have the eight games a season of Mina to limp over the line with anymore.

4 losses in 5 this season.
1 point from 15.

5 wins in 23 (which i believe is a 21.8% win percentage)

Good evidence base building up.

But yeah, let’s continue with someone who is doing a better job than both Benitez and Lampard at trying to be worse than Mike Walker.
Ok, if you say let's continue, then I agree with you. That wasn't so hard, was it?
