Royston Drenthe

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Doubt Neville needs screaming at tbh. Drenthe certainly could from time to time.

Neville needs screaming at whenever he plays one of those crappy powder puff chips forward and loses posession.

Fair enough, Moyes is right to be pissed off for one ball just as long as he doesn't concentrate on that fter the game as opposed to the other contributions Drenthe made.

Which included a goal and an assist as well as numerous other good attacking play.
Neville needs screaming at whenever he plays one of those crappy powder puff chips forward and loses posession.

Fair enough, Moyes is right to be pissed off for one ball just as long as he doesn't concentrate on that fter the game as opposed to the other contributions Drenthe made.

Which included a goal and an assist as well as numerous other good attacking play.

I didn't mean Neville played well or anything: he was a weak link again but I reckon if he plays a sh*t ball everyone knows he'll be pissed off at himself to be fair. Drenthe needs to know he's not the boss and can't play exclusively how he wants to i.e. it's about the team not Royston. I like him but he needs to be kept in check a bit.
I didn't mean Neville played well or anything: he was a weak link again but I reckon if he plays a sh*t ball everyone knows he'll be pissed off at himself to be fair. Drenthe needs to know he's not the boss and can't play exclusively how he wants to i.e. it's about the team not Royston. I like him but he needs to be kept in check a bit.

I didn't really mean to single out Neville, it just kinda happened.

My point really is that numerous times when we play players give the ball away, how many times do we lose posession when we hoofed it forward in the last few years?

Yes Roy sometimes makes poor decisions and poor passes.

But what he does well more than makes up for it. If Moyes has a magic wand that can eradicate those posses from his game fine.

But if he gets pissed at one pass and ignores all the good stuff thats not on. If he tries to rid Drenthes game of the poor passes but at the same time rids his game of the directness and taking men on which we will miss thats not on.

I've noticed many times with Drenthe he gets the ball and his first instinct is to head towards the opponents goal. Sure soemtimes he loses the ball when doing so but more often he creates makes soemthing happen which gives us a chance to score.

Make him play the safe backwards ball and we lose that.

To be honest i think the positives in Drenthes game far outweigh his negatives so we are much better off keeping him as he is unless Moyes does have that aforementioned magic wand.
I didn't really mean to single out Neville, it just kinda happened.

My point really is that numerous times when we play players give the ball away, how many times do we lose posession when we hoofed it forward in the last few years?

Yes Roy sometimes makes poor decisions and poor passes.

But what he does well more than makes up for it. If Moyes has a magic wand that can eradicate those posses from his game fine.

But if he gets pissed at one pass and ignores all the good stuff thats not on. If he tries to rid Drenthes game of the poor passes but at the same time rids his game of the directness and taking men on which we will miss thats not on.

I've noticed many times with Drenthe he gets the ball and his first instinct is to head towards the opponents goal. Sure soemtimes he loses the ball when doing so but more often he creates makes soemthing happen which gives us a chance to score.

Make him play the safe backwards ball and we lose that.

To be honest i think the positives in Drenthes game far outweigh his negatives so we are much better off keeping him as he is unless Moyes does have that aforementioned magic wand.

With all due respect he's not shouting at him for each and every misplaced pass as soon as he gets on the field, it's just a part of coaching him. It would seem that Royston is far from used to our style of football and indeed, the premiership. For that reason, when he makes the wrong decision he needs to be told otherwise he won't learn. Certainly not before he costs us points anyway. However, as you say, if Royston was to lose the spark he has now due to this type of coaching then that's bad management. I seriously doubt that's part of the plan though.

I believe the opposite is more likely. Again, I like him but he seems to have an absolutely humongous ego. He may reject the coaching, throw the dummy out, get dropped, leave in the summer and then Moyes will be blamed. To RD's credit though, in the first half I saw clear signs of a cooler head. Did him good, a bit of British coaching, no doubt. All in moderation though.

Roysten is such a random player.

Looked boss today for i'd say 70% of the match, needs to start passing it a bit more though even when we're 2 nil up. I mean come on, i know Neville/Hibbert aint the best crossers but they were in better positions than him on one or two occassions.

Definitely learning though, good game :)
He used to play for Feyenoord he did he did
Then he left and went off to Madrid Madrid
But Now He's Here and He's a Blue
Drenthe's Comin' after you
Roysten Drenthe he's our Crazy Lid


He used to play for Feyenoord he did he did
The Oooligans all thought he was a lid a lid
But Now He's Here and He's a Blue
Drenthe's Comin' after you
Roysten Drenthe we got him from Madrid
We desperately need to sign him.

He makes us dangerous and unpredictable, something which teams aren't used to having to deal with when they play us.

If there's any way we can we should sign Drenthe and Straq up asap.

We desperately need to sign him.

He makes us dangerous and unpredictable, something which teams aren't used to having to deal with when they play us.

If there's any way we can we should sign Drenthe and Straq up asap.

Always wondered... is that is you in you avatar?

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