Ross Barkley

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Boom, this is my point.

And its what people/us used to all say about Scholes/Lampard/Gerrard, because we only seen highlights.

I work in Manchester and City/United fans love Ross, and think its funny how they see Blues treat Ross.

Its also why every set of fans reckon their club is crap at corners. We/they see every one of ours/theirs, but on TV, you only see the ones where something happens.

Mind you, not many of our corners are on TV mind.
Boom, this is my point.

And its what people/us used to all say about Scholes/Lampard/Gerrard, because we only seen highlights.

I work in Manchester and City/United fans love Ross, and think its funny how they see Blues treat Ross.

Exactly what I said further up Friend, in full agreement
Its also why every set of fans reckon their club is crap at corners. We/they see every one of ours/theirs, but on TV, you only see the ones where something happens.

Mind you, not many of our corners are on TV mind.
Touching on this, we have to be the worst team in the prem when it comes to throw ins. I have never seen a team who loses possession so much from their throw in

Scored 20+ goals a season tho didn't he.... also he may not have been known for his tackling , but he did actually tackle. He wouldn't just pretend to press people would he?
We are talking at the tender age of 22

Let's not get ahead of things
Except he didn't "dump it all on Ross" did he? He was asked a question specifically about Barkley and he answered it by saying he was subbed because he wasn't playing well, which is the truth. Maybe we're so used to our manager coming out and giving sugar coated non-answers to make everything seem like it's sunshine, rainbows and pretty flowers, that we now think telling the truth is something to be snarled at. Ross needs to become a man, take criticism on the chin, and work hard to improve if he wants to prove people wrong.
He could of said it was tactical and spoke to Barkley behind closed doors
And this is why we need stats
Different positions. Really think Rodwell would have been the complete article had he stayed fit. Ross has all the skills you could want. Really hope I am wrong but he just does not seem to think quickly enough or maybe he thinks too much? He never seems to get hold of a game by the scruff and dominate it. It could also be that he just needs to be allowed to play a natural game and leave all the 'work' to the rest. I don't know but he is, like Rodwell in danger of not quite being what we expected.

Do you know how hard it is to make it in football? Especially at the club you supported all your life.The lad is 100% Everton and has ability that 99% of other footballers could only dream of.

Give him a break and get behind him.
Sorry, but there's no room for sentiment. He doesn't get a free pass purely because he happens to have been born in Liverpool and happens to support Everton. He's an employee of the club, simple as that.
Sorry, but there's no room for sentiment. He doesn't get a free pass purely because he happens to have been born in Liverpool and happens to support Everton. He's an employee of the club, simple as that.

Oh for god sake.

Nobody is saying he should have a “free pass”. He’s had a couple of bad games and, to a man, every single poster on here is saying he needs to sharpen his game and become more consistent.

The issue we have is with people jumping on the lads back at the first possible opportunity, instead of supporting him to reach his potential.
Sorry, but there's no room for sentiment. He doesn't get a free pass purely because he happens to have been born in Liverpool and happens to support Everton. He's an employee of the club, simple as that.
Yes and you are meant to be a supporter of the club too, so stop being a boo boy or SUPPORT someone else preferably Liverpool as you sound a typical RS, just because your a Everton fan doesn't give you the right to slate the players.

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