Roberto Martinez discussion

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But yeeah agreed. I'd argue he needs longer as without financial backing your relying on your youth system. But certainly, we'll have a good idea about where we're headed/what we can achieve after the end of next season.
This has me hoping for good times ahead. Our youth facilities are great, but we haven't had a steady stream of young talent come through like a Southampton, for example. Part of that may have been up to Moyes' legendary dithering, another may have been his unwillingness to trust the youth, but it seems like Martinez is more will to give kids the freedom to make mistakes.

Our youth record wasn't terrible under Moyes, he did bring Coleman through, and gave Rodwell and Vic (and a few others) chances, but we haven't been producing brilliant talent (other than Seamus and Ross) like we need to.

I think without investment the only way for us to kick on is to focus on the youth and build our team from the ground up, using transfers to fill in the gaps. I also think this is what Roberto wants to do, and why he accepted the Everton job...Barca is famed for La Masia, and I wouldn't be surprised if Roberto wants to replicate that at Finch Farm.
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He typed 'both', I think he meant next season as well, just forgot to type it down.

But yeeah agreed. I'd argue he needs longer as without financial backing your relying on your youth system. But certainly, we'll have a good idea about where we're headed/what we can achieve after the end of next season.

No mate I said "the benefit of the doubt ...... and loyalty" - it was both those points I was referring to at least until it goes pear shaped.

Any way just reading Arsenal have earmarked Martinez to replace Wenger so that should keep a certain section happy.
The section who enjoy made up tabloid rumours?

Trouble is these tabloids have a knack of getting these things right and after Jose, Pep and Klopp who would you go for?

No one should be surprised at this Martinez is the best young manager bar none.

Trouble is these tabloids have a knack of getting these things right and after Jose, Pep and Klopp who would you go for?

No one should be surprised at this Martinez is the best young manager bar none.

You throw enough crap at the wall, sooner or later some of it'll stick

That is absolute nonsense with regards the Martinez Arsenal story, their is no way they would go for him.

Just answered that ... don't be shy now- spill
Because he is a manager who took a steady premier league team down, moved up to a steady top 7 club with a solid defence and kept them where they are based more on the defence he inherited as appose the goals scored column, and he is known for not building great defences so when this one starts to break up we will steadily drop too.

Only a opinion but time will tell.
Because he is a manager who took a steady premier league team down, moved up to a steady top 7 club with a solid defence and kept them where they are based more on the defence he inherited as appose the goals scored column, and he is known for not building great defences so when this one starts to break up we will steadily drop too.

Only a opinion but time will tell.

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