Return of Moyes atmosphere?

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I disagree, i dont see what more P.N could have done ? i do think he played on a year past his sell by date, but I dont think he did a lot wrong. When he scored against United and Chelsea with his pens, he wasnt disrespecting anyone in my view.

Yeah i agree, he bugged me as a player always wanting to pull the ball out for the opposition and his side ways passing but his pressance on the piitch was down to one person and one person only. The same man who i hope will get it for 90 minutes solid next Sunday.
I imagine the media the will bang the "Moyes did so well at Everton for years, he deserves just as much credit as anyone for where Everton are" drum.

I hope we reign abuse down at them from the first minute until the last, let the tossers know exactly how much we're loving life without them and their awful negativity and their "top 10 is a massive achievement" shouts. The only one I'll go easy on is Fellaini, who for all his faults, at least left with a bit of dignity and has never said anything condescending or snide since he left.

It's Neville who really gets to me and always did. I hope he's chased out of town, he clearly didn't respect this club or us supporters.
I'm with you on that one, totally summed up the moyes era
atmosphere will be good,injuries apart from wednesday, we will have played 2 games since they last played and they should be fresher or hopefully rusty
I couldn't stand Neville, when he was our CAPTAIN and he said Everton consistently finishing in the top 10 is a 'massive achievement'. Is he sure? As if we'd be happy with 10th every year. He was too negative for me and was glad to see the back of him, just my opinion though..

Moyes, Round, Woods, Neville, Rooney, Fellaini..... All part of our past..... Fond memories for me .... No bitterness... Now let's bury the bastards ..

Rooney is out injured, might not play again this season. Fellaini was also injured, didn't play again Bayern
Hated Moyes for about half his years here for the reasons he's cack at Utd and his "bigger than EFC" attitude he never even tried to hide. But I'm not arsed about him returning in the slightest he is now a proven midget of a manager and I just want 3 points from the game to reinforce the glory of Roberto's revolution.

literally cannot wait to sing 'stuck with moyes' at the miserable scottish ginger bell, and his horrible little professional yes man of a captain

Same - but only when we're winning!

The only one I'll go easy on is Fellaini, who for all his faults, at least left with a bit of dignity and has never said anything condescending or snide since he left.

I hope he gets clapped when his name is read out, he's done nothing at all wrong. Will be pretty disgraceful if he gets abuse (unless he does something stupid like arteta, or those ridiculous elbows start swinging!)

Hated Moyes for about half his years here for the reasons he's cack at Utd and his "bigger than EFC" attitude he never even tried to hide. But I'm not arsed about him returning in the slightest he is now a proven midget of a manager and I just want 3 points from the game to reinforce the glory of Roberto's revolution.

I'm the same. 2006 (I think), when we were losing against spurs and he bought hibbert on instead of going for it. All downhill from there.

being 1-0 up at wembley twice and actually knowing you've scored too early was horrible.

And every bit of media narrative was to build him up as man United manager, his attitude of 'top 10 is great for us' was all based on building up his reputation. And we've seen what's happened as soon as he's left - records points total in PL era with 5 games to go.

It's not just him, I hate that club with a massive passion, them, their former manager, our former manager, our former captain and their ridiculous media have basically made the last few years pointless for us, definitely since 2009 when in retrospect he was just waiting out his time til ferguson retired.
I'm not sure Moyes will get a terrible reception, but I may be wrong. Chants and singing yep, but he did manage us for 10yrs , he has disrespected us since leaving, but not sure he deserves dogs abuse. Although 4pm ko on Sunday bank holiday weekend, yep he will...:)

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