Relegation 23/24 Thread

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Depressing to be so negative, but with the football we are playing, and the next deduction round the corner, this is the most sure I've ever been that we are doomed. Something drastic has to change to change my mind.
Marvellous, I pay all that money for Sky and when all these games are on I won't be in the country! Will be in Bristol, Tennessee from the 11th to the 26th and NYC 27th to the 29th. I'll find somewhere to watch all the the games - the first three in Bristol, TN/VA (depending on which side of State Street I'm on) and the Brentford game somewhere around Times Square. Mrs TT booked a two-night stay in New York so we could get a morning flight to Heathrow and so reduce the risk of jetlag.

Tonight I shall watch the Newcastle game with a friend in the Sidcup Rec.



Anyone feel confident staying up now just feel defeated going be pure luck again. Every team fighting and we have these frauds

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