Martin Atkinson to ref the Derby

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English FIFA referees are 'duty bound' to make sure that the Sky luvvies top 4 and LFC, are given decisions that favour them. The Premier League in conjunction with the FA, have deemed it necessary to 'protect' the money bags LFC, Chelsea, Arsenal, United and City clubs because they are the 'best bet' to keep the money rolling in from Sky and BT.

I was in Berlin on Wednesday and went on the BBC to look at the football and there were headlines 'Atkinson not failing for Barca's antics'. I said to my mate, 'just wait until Sunday when he will fall for the RS antics'. Atkinson is the worse FIFA English referee in this country.

The game in this country is corrupt to the core, with poor officiating by English FIFA refs and liners a symptom of how it is 'bent' towards certain clubs.

to add to that, when moyes had the mancs down around 7th, scudamore, or whoever the chairman of the time was, came out an said it was bad for the premier league brand that they weren't doing well.

it is if your only marketing a select group of clubs as the brand.
I don't think Can deserved a booking for the Overhead kick as he did have eyes on the ball and had every right to go for it. Lucas deserved to be sent off at least twice though, the fact he was subbed instead of walking was a disgrace. If that was our Garry Barry we all know what the outcome would have been.

In all honesty I'm sick to the back teeth of coming away from these games talking about how we have been shafted,even allowing for my admittedly biased royal blue specs surely any fool can see the major,game changing decisions such as todays and the vast majority of even 50/50's(Lucas gets red carded and they have 10 men for the last 20 minutes,we may or may not have won,but we should have had the opportunity)every single time are in their favour(the one beautiful moment was the dissallowed Suarez last minute "goal" a couple of years back):rant::rant:(n):(
to add to that, when moyes had the mancs down around 7th, scudamore, or whoever the chairman of the time was, came out an said it was bad for the premier league brand that they weren't doing well.

it is if your only marketing a select group of clubs as the brand.

United slump harming global appeal of Premier League ...

Says it all really. And that is why the top 4 and LFC dominated media, were in mourning after Chelsea and Arsenal got beat in Europe. 'Harmful' for the 'brand'.
He knows the rules. He stood five yards away and blatantly saw what Lucas did. He then actively decided to ignore the rules.

There's no other way to look at it, he knew what he was doing. Likewise with his fluctuating standards on taking free kicks where the foul was made. Had they scored from that break I would have flipped it completely.
Still find it amazing Atkinson gets to referee a derby again after the Roswell red card....and once again today he did enough to protect Liverpool from losing....

Bit late now thanks to some incredibly overzealous mod, but Martin Atkinson is no fwiend of Everton.

PS on that topic, not quite sure where some people get off banning decent posters for two months without even a warning. Some mods here need to have a word with themselves.
Bit late now thanks to some incredibly overzealous mod, but Martin Atkinson is no fwiend of Everton.

PS on that topic, not quite sure where some people get off banning decent posters for two months without even a warning. Some mods here need to have a word with themselves.
welcome back mate
United slump harming global appeal of Premier League ...

Says it all really. And that is why the top 4 and LFC dominated media, were in mourning after Chelsea and Arsenal got beat in Europe. 'Harmful' for the 'brand'.

It is a brand. An entertainment brand people buy into with Sky, Premier League, sponsors on shirts. Scudamore is given power, by clubs like Everton, to market the brand. More people spend more money on football at the top level, people like 'the brand' and going by numbers on here or following Everton, so do most supporters. The strength of teams like United, Liverpool Chelsea means more money for Everton.
Still find it amazing Atkinson gets to referee a derby again after the Roswell red card....and once again today he did enough to protect Liverpool from losing....

I think because he has handed out so many bad reds in the Derby recently he decided this game was going to be red free, but that again went against us, useless ref, unable to call what he sees but what he thinks he sees or wants to see.
Bit late now thanks to some incredibly overzealous mod, but Martin Atkinson is no fwiend of Everton.

PS on that topic, not quite sure where some people get off banning decent posters for two months without even a warning. Some mods here need to have a word with themselves.

Can't remember what you were banned for originally, or by who, but you were banned for a month.
You then tried to come back using a multi ( or two ? ) so I extended your ban to two months for wasting our time.

Sometimes it's wise just to keep quiet and act a bit humble, even if you don't mean it.

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