Martin Atkinson to ref the Derby

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What was infuriating Kone shielded the ball got hacked twice then when he made a good pass , and we were on the breakaway he pulled it back some advantage there then?
Can should have seen at least a second yellow for the high kick on Barry and Lucas should have gone too, He made us retake a free kick but let them take one 5 yards or so forward with a moving ball, ,, hes a complete bottler of a ref, inconsistent and clueless in the game as in never played it
What an utter weapon of a ref he is. Can absolutely lost the plot for the first yellow, Ross just stood there and did nothing while Can shoves him on the face, flips out and then for good measure overhead kicks Barry's head off his neck about 5 minutes later lol

Funny how the pundits have brushed over the can and Lucas incidents and instead concentrated on Barkley kicking the ball away

kopite media for you eh.

as we all predicted, Atkinson was poor to the point where i questioned the relevance of refereeing as a whole.
Kopite behaviour macca;)lol

@Dario Terracotta @maccavennie I do enjoy your conversations

English FIFA referees are 'duty bound' to make sure that the Sky luvvies top 4 and LFC, are given decisions that favour them. The Premier League in conjunction with the FA, have deemed it necessary to 'protect' the money bags LFC, Chelsea, Arsenal, United and City clubs because they are the 'best bet' to keep the money rolling in from Sky and BT.

I was in Berlin on Wednesday and went on the BBC to look at the football and there were headlines 'Atkinson not failing for Barca's antics'. I said to my mate, 'just wait until Sunday when he will fall for the RS antics'. Atkinson is the worse FIFA English referee in this country.

The game in this country is corrupt to the core, with poor officiating by English FIFA refs and liners a symptom of how it is 'bent' towards certain clubs.
English FIFA referees are 'duty bound' to make sure that the Sky luvvies top 4 and LFC, are given decisions that favour them. The Premier League in conjunction with the FA, have deemed it necessary to 'protect' the money bags LFC, Chelsea, Arsenal, United and City clubs because they are the 'best bet' to keep the money rolling in from Sky and BT.

I was in Berlin on Wednesday and went on the BBC to look at the football and there were headlines 'Atkinson not failing for Barca's antics'. I said to my mate, 'just wait until Sunday when he will fall for the RS antics'. Atkinson is the worse FIFA English referee in this country.

The game in this country is corrupt to the core, with poor officiating by English FIFA refs and liners a symptom of how it is 'bent' towards certain clubs.
it's obviously a bias in the prem. I was watching the barca game last week and he actually reffed a decent game

it's obviously a bias in the prem. I was watching the barca game last week and he actually reffed a decent game

It goes to show that he can 'referee' a game when called upon but that goes out the window the moment he refs a game involving the Top 4 and LFC. And to add insult to injury he gets protected by the media, Carragher's outburst but one exception.

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