Martin Atkinson to ref the Derby

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I thought he did a good job with all of the major altercations that took place, but he made some really poor decisions in the first half. The Reds were slippin and he was whistlin
I thought he did a good job with all of the major altercations that took place, but he made some really poor decisions in the first half. The Reds were slippin and he was whistlin
some would argue that the 'major altercations' only happened because he refused to correctly punish infringements in the first half leading the Red Half to successful conclude they could do whatever the feck they wanted without any fear of censure or retribution.
Very poor refereeing today. Bordered on bias but I can't say it affected the result. Obvious bias towards them though. I think we just accept that though eh?. Not too disappointed with the the draw but what can you do?. I will take heart from the fact we are clearly a better team than them.
It's beyond me how this guy keeps getting the derby. The Rodwell one and the one where loads of people got sent off and Kyriagkos broke his leg were two of the worst derby reffing performances I've seen, and he stank the place out today as well.

Perhaps, although I really don't think he deserved a yellow for the incident with Can. Either way you look at it, Atkinson was s***e
Yeah he shouldn't have been booked for the Can incident but he could have easily been booked for booting the ball away and diving.
Atkinson blew up on 3 occasions when we fairly won the ball in dangerous positions.

Potentially his very worst decision was, after stopping Everton from taking a free kick and indicating it was a rolling ball, he then with a few minutes left lets the RS play on after doing exactly the same thing. In fact it was worse because they took the kick 10 yards forward of where the offence took place!

I don't think these are conscious biased decisions but this and other decisions would suggest something subconscious goes on in the minds of most of our so called top refs when reffing certain clubs.

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