Lescott took the blame for leaving!

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He's making you think there's more too it than there really is. He asked to leave and the club said ok, but we're gonna let everyone know that you asked and we didn't sell to get the cash. Just trying to turn it onto it's head, game throwing coward. 'Koff Joleon.
Irrelevant little rat, his time is done and hes not remembered as the city legend winning premier leagues that he wanted so has to mention it everytime he's on telly

Perfectly cromulent player until the club forced him against his will to have his head turned by huge wages and a club that could win something. Typical Everton to make him sling in a transfer request and then be forced to play so badly that some less charitable than me might say he sabotaged the game by deliberately throwing a match in one of the most disgraceful ratfink performances ever seen in an Everton shirt.

I for one hope he gets the correct recognition he deserves.
Disgusting scumbag was Lescott. Absolutely ace when he posted that picture of a car after a big Villa loss though lol

Remember him saying on TV that he wasn’t that bad in the Arsenal game

Mental, literally match fixing
He wasn't that good. Was at fault for Drogba's goal in the cup final. just couldn't be bothered (or wasn't good enough) to mark him. big game, he fails to step up to the mark!
Not true Lescott got his head turned and was even talking about city move in dressingroom that was how much he wanted to go
He was also under contract at Everton and deliberately unsettled training and threw a game. Utter rat of a “professional”

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