Leave the ground empty on Monday night

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Just throwing this one out there because we seem to have really ruffled the match going fans vs non match going fans argument.

Those of you who left this great city will remember the importance of Everton in the lives of those that attend every week. I don’t have to tell you how much of a religion it is - you’ll hopefully remember that from when you were growing up. But when you spend £525 on a season ticket, £60-70 per away day + the ticket, you’re talking thousands following this club. It’s not watching highlight videos or streaming the match online - it’s bigger than that. It’s 5am starts to get the coach to Brentford. So although you’ll disagree to protesting - understand that the level of investment is different.
Thanks for the reply and it's not me just throwing it out there yes I recall the good and the bad Andy King and cheating Thomas
It's much more than that I was born an Evertonian in Clubmoor ( all be it non negotiable ) went with Grandad, Dad and Uncle Frank dumped in the notorious pen, did many home and away when I got old enough
it's in my blood as much now as then, I hurt at 27 years and feel the pain my sons go thru with only 1995 to brag about
I just know we will come good and I dont see myself if I was there leaving the ground or the likes when being at greatest club and city in the world

Again why does everything have to be compared to Liverpool? It’s embarrassing that everything we do is ‘kopite behaviour’ or Liverpool do it so we can’t, it’s why there winning trophies and we’ve regressed into a nothing club. get a grip mate before we end up rotting in the championship
Point taken it should not be dictated too by what Kopites do or don't in how we react
It's my personal preference I dont believe what is being suggested will determine we end up relegated or not
I support Everton thru thick and thin we need to make a stand but I am not in favour of extreme protests I do believe the message after Brentford and the loss the R/S has been effective
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