Kevin Thelwell - New Director of Football

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He’s done ok so far. He’s brought in players we can afford who shore up weak areas. Another striker has not yet been signed but it may be that for whatever reason not related to his competence level or the board’s fecklessness he was able to close McNeil, for example, before Dennis or Cornet. Striker is the only item on the shopping list that hasn’t been addressed and it happens to be where we got the injury.
I'd like to see a box-to-box that can create as well, which is a tough ask on present finances, but I'm liking both the sense for our needs and the signings so far.
We play one striker up top, that's DCL when fit....

Rondon is an average replacement and our youngster's are nowhere near good enough, if Lampard or Thelwell thought as much they wouldn't be out on loan. Do we spend a a fortune on a backup striker??

Thelwell has a big task
Rondon being an average replacement is stretching the word average to it's absolute limit. Rondon, currently, would need to improve tremendously to become 'bang average'.
Is McNeil actually Richarlisons replacement then? I read a few tweets , one from McNulty saying Richarlison still hasn’t been replaced.
Relax, Kev has got this. He’s on it as we speak..


Kev sits down in his office, pours himself a nice cup of tea happy in the fact he has strengthened the defence and brought someone in who at least has a shot at replacing Richarlison.

The phone rings, it’s the boss; “Calvert Lewin’s knee has exploded. We’re saying one game but we still haven’t found his patella. Get on it Kevin”.

Kev sighs, a single tear flows down his cheek as he forces a wry smile. He solemnly slides open the drawer, pulls out the bottle of £8.99 supermarket whiskey and pours it into his tea. Hello old friend, the dark days have returned.
I'm with you there.

"Why did we send Simms loan?!?!"

Because he makes Rondon look like Brazilian Ronaldo.

I'm even seeing shouts for Broadhead. That's an Unsworth classic right there. Stifled in the U23 for too long then an average loan to a league one team.

We're going to play without a centre forward on Saturday, and spend the remainder of the window scratching around for a cheap/free back up. Is that Italian lad still available on a Bosman?
Belotti, I think the reason he's still a free agent is worrying itself. Wages? Attitude?

Honestly, I have no idea about him.

Like most people on the GOT forums, I haven't a clue what I'm looking at lol
Transfermarkt has all the freeby desperados looking for a new club

Daniel sturridge, Jo and our very own oumar are listed - surely someone will be our friend

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