2020/21 Jordan Pickford

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Personally I think it's time to take him out of the firing line. You don't know how he'll be affected by all the media. But I thought he should have been dropped before the derby and if he had we would have lost that game imo.

But I think you are right in that Carlo will stick with him

Who's to say Olsen would not have made those saves? It's unknowable.

I agree that we probably need to show some support for Pickford in the fall-out because I don't think it was an intentional offence and he is being unfairly pilloried in the media. Long term though I think he should be replaced, he is a great shot-stopper but not a great keeper and I am always nervous watching him. It must be hard to play in front of him wondering what he's going to do next.
I'd play Olsen in the next game. Kick up the arse to pickford, far too many mistakes this season. Far too many.

It's a horrible dilemma, kick a keeper when he is down it might be the end of him, I know it was due to injury rather than decision, but when you see Kepa going back in on Saturday he looked like a man who had taken the final blow to the stomach, he was broken.

My guess on Pickford is if he is taken out he doesnt get back in. If Olsen is rubbish, Carlo will strengthen in January - If Olsen is good he stays in
It's a horrible dilemma, kick a keeper when he is down it might be the end of him, I know it was due to injury rather than decision, but when you see Kepa going back in on Saturday he looked like a man who had taken the final blow to the stomach, he was broken.

My guess on Pickford is if he is taken out he doesnt get back in. If Olsen is rubbish, Carlo will strengthen in January - If Olsen is good he stays in
Taking him out of the limelight for a period might help him. I'll trust Carlo on this. Oh how I wish we'd got Romero then there be no question on who starts
I agree that we probably need to show some support for Pickford in the fall-out because I don't think it was an intentional offence and he is being unfairly pilloried in the media. Long term though I think he should be replaced, he is a great shot-stopper but not a great keeper and I am always nervous watching him. It must be hard to play in front of him wondering what he's going to do next.

Its astounding really that so many cough cough Blues, have jumped on the Kopite media luvvies justice train, just to further their own opinions about Pickford... If it were their Keeper colliding with Kean, it would be just football... Dont see anyone coming over to give Pickford a hug like we did with Song over Gomes...

From F365's Winners and Losers column (he's a loser, obvs):

Jordan Pickford
There’s no point being nasty for the sake of it, but with Robin Olsen signed to provide competition for places how long before England’s No. 1 becomes Everton’s No. 2? Pickford is a goalkeeper who plays entirely, and almost deliberately, on the edge. His wild, lunging tackle on Van Dijk was not born out of malice, but the desperate desire to stick out that once made Pickford’s reputation but now threatens to dismantle it.

Couldn't have put it better myself - He's desperate for attention so much that he ends up getting a lot of it for entirely the wrong reasons.
From F365's Winners and Losers column (he's a loser, obvs):

Couldn't have put it better myself - He's desperate for attention so much that he ends up getting a lot of it for entirely the wrong reasons.

"He's just doing it for attention"

Alright lollollol

He hasn't cost us a single point this season.

Not one.
Pickford deserves our support he’s done nothing wrong. I’m absolutely sick of them vermin trying to create problems all the time - get back to your armchairs with your sky remotes you scum

"YOUS DON'T EVEN GO THE GAME LADS" - You realise that we are ALL armchair fans at the moment, mate, yeah?

Also, you are telling me that Jordan Pickford has done NOTHING wrong? The Jordan Pickford that has made more errors leading to goals than anyone since the start of last season? Has done nothing wrong?

If he had done what he did in the derby, in any other game, you'd be frothing at the mush, but as it is you've turned into some chest-thumping supporter of his actions?

I support Pickford because he's our player, but in this instance my support extends to hoping he can rediscover some kind of form and common sense while he sits on the bench for a bit.

Usually at the beginning mate

Look. Some people are just judging his performance on Saturday. He made some world class saves. Luckily his 2 errors were not punished because VAR rightly ruled offside in both cases. We have a different keeper in goal we probably lose that match.

Nobody is saying he's in great form and I doubt there is an Evertonian alive who doesn't think he's a risk at the moment. The majority, including me, think he needs taking out of the firing line to get his head straight, but that doesn't change the fact that he did as much as anybody else to win that point at the weekend.

The OP was correct to say his performance has been overshadowed by the media reaction to VVDs injury

Can you not separate the incidents from VAR ruling?

1. Its a penalty and red card all day long in the first ten minutes of a derby at home.
Its pathetic decision making.
He's been saved by an offside decision of MMs.
2. He blunders hugely for the Henderson offside goal. That's basic goal keeping he's messed up again and it's a shocking attempt at saving a weak shot.
He's saved again.

VAR got him out of jail but he's made yep huge errors and they should not be swept under the carpet.
He's made a world class save from Matip but that would have meant nothing if it was for a couple of mm.
"He's just doing it for attention"

Alright lollollol

He hasn't cost us a single point this season.

Not one.

He has made errors leading to goals, though, yes? Mercifully we have an exhilarating attack that can get - and have gotten - us out of trouble but I guarantee that won't always be the case.

And yes, he IS desperate to be noticed; he comes racing off his line in ill-judged moments (the collision with Zouma v Spurs comes to mind), punches at times when he could catch (lucky we weren't punished more v Brighton), goads oppo fans (Newcastle), etc.

Irrespective of who the opposition team/player were, are you saying he was right to come charging out on VvD? Are you excusing the absolute mess he made of Henderson's shot because one of Mane's pubes were offside?

The blinkered view of his latest nonsense because it happened in a derby, and he managed to pull off a couple of good saves, is remarkable.

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