2020/21 Jordan Pickford

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I hope Jordan is ok. He’ll be gutted injuring a player like that. Not that kind of player at all. Hope it didn’t affect him too much.

Funny the difference in media response to when Sons tackle led to Gomes breaking his ankle.

But again the club stay silent as they have no backbone.

Forget asking for an apology on operation whatever Denise get defending the clubs staff from open season scum in the media backed by their Kopites paymasters.
See the Liverpool FC Trinity Mirror are on the case. What a surprise.

Maybe somebody should send then youtube videos of the challenges on Allan and Mina lol As if.

Believe me the Mirror wouldn't print them, they hate us and always have. On a separate note Martin Tyler will have a burning torch ready for us next time we are live on Sky.

Somebody at the club needs to have a word with Andy Hunter. Van Dijk was "injured by an appalling foul from the England goalkeeper Jordan Pickford", according to Hunter.

I'm sorry. Firstly, it wasn't a foul. The ball was dead. Secondly, it wasn't "appalling". It was a coming together. Thirdly, Hunter's report is hysterical in comparison to Sky's who say: "Van Dijk suffered the injury after colliding with the Everton goalkeeper".

It's come to something when Sky are more balanced than a guy who, I am told, supports Everton.
Not sure what a keeper is supposed to do in that situation in all honesty.

He might have completely ballsed it and took his man out, but in that situation you need to make yourself as big as possible and close down as much space as you can between yourself and the attacker.
Halsey piping them right down. It was a rash stupid challenge but it’s what Pickford does whenever the ball is in the six yard box, he throws himself towards it as big as possible as you can see by his arms being out. It wasn’t violent or malicious it was stupid.

Is right. The absolute bullsh1t and hypocrisy i am reading from them today. Everything and i mean everything that involves them they have an excuse for and its an "anti liverpool" thing.
Biggest two faced club there is. Bar none.

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