Joel Robles

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Honestly thought his positioning could have been better on that, very similar to Mane's other goal at the Goodison match, whole team gets pulled to one side and beaten by a shot dragged to his far side.
That came off a ricochet off the post no? Hit the post and fell right to Mane's feet. Can't blame him for their spawny dumb luck.
He's not a bad keeper, but with Koeman wanting 3 keepers I can see him leaving in the summer with new No.1 coming in and Hewlet (sp) being the 3rd choice behind Stek

I have said it time after time, I really like Joel.
I think he has all the attributes to be a top class goalkeeper.


You cant do that for the third goal in a derby. Its such a basic error. Very hard to come back from that in my eyes with this club.

No matter what he does, that goal will stick in the memory of many and its likely to stick in the memory of the manager too.

He needed to have a really solid two games against Liverpool/Utd and do something which says to Koeman ' I can be the number one'.

Real disappointment and gutted for him a bit. Really messed up a big opportunity in my eyes. Granted not helped by the defence but christ, the third goal was awful.

Christ I've just watched the goals and what the absolute bloody hell is that tit doing on the 3rd goal. That is criminal goalkeeping that, absolutely ridiculous.

I like the fella and think he's been decent but that's Stekkers levels against Burnley goalkeeping right there.

@ijjysmith do you remember that training video a couple of months back and Joel literally doesn't dive for one shot and everyone slots past him, that's what those 3 goals have just reminded me of.

Utterly depressing goalkeeping that goal.
The first goal was in no way his fault. The ball was played three Penningtons legs and there is very little chance of any keeper anticipating that as it had a fair bit of pace on it. The third goal was pretty bad after I watched it again. I don't think he anticipated Origi striking the ball when he did, but it was really poor how he came out.
He has all the qualities of a top class keeper.

Except the mindset. The first and third goals today his positioning was all wrong.

I really want him to be good, and hope it's age and experience behind these mistakes - but I fear it's not.

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