"I'll be thoroughly pissed off..."

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pisssed off cos we aint got a top player bangin top birds plasterd all over the tabliods ffs

I'll be thoroughly pissed off if we haven't showed up to play football, on the 13th August (First game of the season)
"I'll be thoroughly pissed off if we haven't ______________, by the 13th August"

Honestly ... I don't think there is much which would make me "thoroughly pissed off" aside from maybe selling players. The absence of new players won't get me "thoroughly pissed off" as much as I'd just be resigned to our usual failures in the transfer market due to our relatively destitute owners. If I am 99% certain we won't sign anyone of consequence this summer then how can I get thoroughly pissed off about it? It's depressing but not really angering at this point.

So I suppose "I'll be thoroughly pissed off if we haven't kept the squad together by the 13th August"

Don't see much point in selling to buy unless we're selling 30+ year olds.
I'll be thoroughly pissed off if we haven't all become thoroughly pissed off with our lack of transfer activity.
"I'll be thoroughly pissed off if we haven't installed a proper soft serve Ice cream machine in the ale house, by the 13th August (First game of the season)"

Fill the blank;

"I'll be thoroughly pissed off if we haven't ______________, by the 13th August (First game of the season)"

For me, it's "signed a reputable striker". I'd be annoyed if we don't replace Pienaar, but I couldn't tolerate us not bringing in a striker on the back of last season.
After moysie blaming our poor start last season on not having a top class marksman i too would be ragged off,but you know what the official line will be now moysie will come out and defend the fat mincer to the hilt with,we have not bought another striker because there wasn't the quality available.

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