Happy Birthday GrandOldTeam!

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Staff member
On the 5th February, GrandOldTeam is three years old!

The progress we've made over the three years really is remarkable. In our first year, 950 members contributed 97,810 posts. In our second year 4,539 members contributed 270,377 posts and approaching our third year, 7,189 members have made 482,908 posts.

A big thanks to everyone who logs on to make this place without a doubt the best place on the internet to discuss Everton. :cheers:
On the 5th February, GrandOldTeam is three years old!

The progress we've made over the three years really is remarkable. In our first year, 950 members contributed 97,810 posts. In our second year 4,539 members contributed 270,377 posts and approaching our third year, 7,189 members have made 482,908 posts.

A big thanks to everyone who logs on to make this place without a doubt the best place on the internet. :cheers:


seriously, thanks for the site! Love it.

Ricardo xxx
Happy birthday to the finest of all places on the internet.

Three years ago a star was born. Want to grow old together with this mighty fine forum. You've done a great job D&D and the moderating team.;)


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