Graeme Sharp

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Dr Baxter

Player Valuation: £15m
Mods please move this if he has already got his own thread but Graham Sharp is fast becoming my least favourite Everton player of all time. For people who care about Everton FC and who know where our problems have stemmed from for the last 20 odd years, no explanation is necessary. I've met him and he is a lovely bloke. Unfortunately, my point still stands. Can't stand him.

Not sure he has much influence at all, but it does seem like he's in a very lucrative "jobs for the boys" position.
If he had any self respect, he would immediately resign irrespective of any actions by the self serving Kenright or DBB. It would heap pressure on the two afforementioned most culpable individuals.

Retain your dignity and (what is left of) your playing legacy.

To be fair to him no board member is going to publicly aim volleys at the rest of the board. We don't know what he is saying behind closed doors.

I would say he isn't qualified for the role though and we need better people throughout.
He's not going to bite the hand that feeds him. Deep down he'll know the club's a mess and the likes of Kenwright are to blame but he'll never let on.

I remember when he was on Radio City and he shot down any protests against the board with trained precision. Comments like that got him the job he has today, but they also brought about taking this club to the brink.
He's not going to bite the hand that feeds him. Deep down he'll know the club's a mess and the likes of Kenwright are to blame but he'll never let on.

I remember when he was on Radio City and he shot down any protests against the board with trained precision. Comments like that got him the job he has today, but they also brought about taking this club to the brink.

Enjoy your money, Sharpy.

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