Financial Fair Play investigation

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I'm sure Man City are kacking their pants when it comes to their turn.

Oh, but wait...the FA/Premier League will bankrupt themselves if they do also decide to go after them. And they really don't want to do that now, do they!

It's like school yard bullies picking on an easy target but avoiding the bigger lad who they know has a bigger punch than them.
We reported so much more in losses than the fake sponsorship we lost. The reality is that we're really badly run, overpaid for poor players with outrageously high wages that were then unsellable. For sure, covid impacted us, but we claimed it impacted us so much more than everybody else it's unbelievable.
We know how badly the club is run , that is a given.

But never underestimate how huge a loss Usmanov & his companies were to us.

The Prem haven't officially said anything about it yet.
Just 2 journos posting on their twitter accounts & being copied by everyone else.
It's getting traction.. it made the news here in Ireland.. Driving home and the radio said a 12 point deduction.. I damn near crashed the car.
I just wonder why the club couldn't stay inside the FFP guidelines? I don't believe there is an agenda against Everton but even if there is, if we didn't break FFP rules, this wouldn't be an issue. Perhaps I'm being very naive but if the vast majority of other clubs have managed it, it appears to be quite simple.....or at least it should be.

Remember when the diving rule was brought in a few years ago. If caught diving players would be banned.
Guess what club were the only one to be issued with a ban.....
Yep. Everton and niasse.
We know how badly the club is run , that is a given.

But never underestimate how huge a loss Usmanov & his companies were to us.
I agree that they're a huge loss but it wasn't real revenue. I see people accusing City and Newcastle of fake sponsorship and wonder if they're typing with a straight face.
An agenda from certain journalists. No other club gets this amount of negative off field coverage. None.
Like I said, we're by far the worst run club in the league. We're a very easy target for negative comment. This forum is full of negative comments every single day so why would you expect the journalists to be any different? Don't lose sleep over it. It's not the journalists that make the guilty/not guilty verdict and it's not them that decide the punishment. They're only there to get clicks.

I just wonder why the club couldn't stay inside the FFP guidelines? I don't believe there is an agenda against Everton but even if there is, if we didn't break FFP rules, this wouldn't be an issue. Perhaps I'm being very naive but if the vast majority of other clubs have managed it, it appears to be quite simple.....or at least it should be.
We didn't even try too, that first window with Walsh/Koeman was just horrendous and the money that was wasted is unforgivable. Walsh was not a DoF, we needed someone who could set out a plan with both short term and long term goals and most of all we should have stayed well clear from overpriced PL rubbish who were never good enough in the first place.
They want to flex their muscles and make an example of somebody. That somebody is EFC. They were never going to do this to Man City. The fact that six clubs were set to break away and received a slap on the wrist fine showed where the power lies. I fully expect a 12 point deduction to kick on next season.
I reckon we are guilty. When we somehow blamed Covid for loses of over 170 million which would have brought us under the FFP ruling it was clear as day.

This is FFP and us.

I’m no conspiracy theorist, but here me out.

The time of this is no coincidence. This could have easily been stated next week, not the following day after the death of our chairman.

Bill has been a director since 89, before the Premier League was even a thing.
Since then he has seen numerous chief executives, owners, directors. He was probably the only person who had dealt with every senior person since the Premier League was formed. Therefore he would certainly be aware of any dodgy decisions being made, back handers between officials or things the Premier League executives wouldn’t want in the public domain. Any skeleton’s in the closet he’d know about.

Maybe him being here was our shield. Now he’s sadly gone, we are now vulnerable.

Or maybe I need to go out for a long walk without internet access for a few hours.
Unless you’re implying the PL knew when he was going to die, this is kind of a non-starter.

Also, if he had info that he could use to bend them to his will, I’m pretty sure he’d leave some kind of access to them in his will.

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