Financial Fair Play investigation

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What we could do with tomorrow is the financial results to be produced but not seized on by some to ramp up other agendas concerning ousting the board.

That's not acceptable IMO.

We are where we are with that lot and they wont ever be coming back, so stow it.

There's going to be plenty of outsiders looking to use these figures tomorrow to stick the knife into Everon so I hope we dont see anyone joining in with that.
What we could do with tomorrow is the financial results to be produced but not seized on by some to ramp up other agendas concerning ousting the board.

That's not acceptable IMO.

We are where we are with that lot and they wont ever be coming back, so stow it.

There's going to be plenty of outsiders looking to use these figures tomorrow to stick the knife into Everon so I hope we dont see anyone joining in with that.
Regardless of everything else on here , the board is still very much in place. Nothing has changed.
At present there is no evidence that anything has or is about to change with regard to the administration or the structure of the club.
Our board may have stopped attending home matches but it is still they who are making all the decisions about the future direction of the club, and we are still at the mercy of their now proven ineptitude.
Just because they’ve retreated to their bunker doesn’t mean they’ve gone.
Far from it!
And the hint of complacency you display in your post is no doubt what they are actually praying for.
Let that complacency grow , survive the relegation threat and they will no doubt slither back to inflict their woeful lack of vision and expertise on us once more.
This struggle is far from over.

I don’t understand how, after all these years of trying to sort it out, we are still making losses. Despite selling Richie for 60m as well.
I will help you understand my friend

If we look at the season that we are being charged for breaching ffp i.e the 20/21 season Everton are only allowed to make a loss of 105 mil over 3 years

So taking into account the 18/19, 19/20 and 20/21 season Everton’s losses over those 3 years amount to 373 mil

our losses in this 3 year period is 268 mil over the limit

Now the media will make you think this is because Everton are naughty little boys who have been spending money beyond their means. So let’s take a look at Everton’s net profit in those 3 seasons

So in 18/19 our net spend was -71 mil
In 19/20 our net spend was -33 mil
In 20/21 our net spend was -69 mil

Overall net spend on transfers =173 mil

So we had a net spend of 173 mil on players. So this basically means they if we signed no players between 18/19 - 20/21 the club would have still made a loss of 95 mil

The conclusion is that Everton could have spent no money on players during that 3 year period and still made a loss of almost 100 mil

How crazy is that

Shows how badly run the club is when you can literally spend no money on players and still make a loss of over 30 mil a year.

So why is the club operating so badly that they are making these kind of losses? First terrible revenue streams hence moving to a new stadium and terrible sponsorship deals compared to the big 6. Also high wages on crap players and nobody wanting to buy said crap players for decent money meaning very low income from players sales.
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And some people don't think we've broken any sustainability rules.

We are going on 5 years since we turned a profit.
To be honest the PL rules at such high loss levels and I don't mean necessarily mean complex and historic breaches like Man City but the 3 year £105m plus additions plus realistic Covid allowances plus the Covid averaged 2 years it seems impossible, almost impossible to fail.

Adding £81m worth of new players and the wage bill increasing by £18m from partial Covid year to full Covid year was interesting management too.

Apologies I say £81m but the Strategic Report says £71m...but the actual Balance Sheet bit says £81m so which is it?
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So it took selling our best player at the very last second to not lose another 100 mil. It doesn't sound like they're righting the ship at all
I think there have been concerted efforts to try and reduce the wage bill the likes of Patterson, Mykolenko, gray, Onana, garner, maupay won’t be on huge wages and we no longer seem to be signing high profile players and seem to be on the hunt for a bargain player on low wages

Lots of high earners have now left out of contract like Tosun, sigurdssson, Rooney, bolasie, Walcott, Rodriguez, schneiderlin and most recently richarlison, Digne, Allan and Bernard and soon to be Mina, Coleman and potentially Doucoure

The aim should be to reduce the wage bill so that around 50% of revenue is for wages instead of 90%
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I may not be an accountant but I recognise hogwash when I see it. Currently we have two suspiciously new posters yammering about CGT which isn't paid by corporations or businesses or sports clubs. This was just picked up by @roydo and seems to be studiously ignored.

Cue another 10 pages about what the football league would do and other irrelevance by people who haven't seen the financial report from Everton about charges that haven't been explicitly made public.
I am not a new poster, its very easy for u to verify that :)
I will hold judgment a bit and say that if Everton are showing their best results since 2017-18 then that is a) Promising and b) Trending in the right direction.

Albeit the last 3 exceeded £100m per season but it'll be interesting to see what the accounts say. Any improvement has to be positive.

They're going to try every trick in the book to portray it positively

This is what Kenwright and Baxendale do.

You simply cannot polish a 💩 however

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