Financial Fair Play investigation

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The reason why myself, and many others believe (quite rightly I think) that FFP is just legalized fixing of the leagues and Anti-competition is stuff like this. Utd are half a billion in debt, no sign of ever breaching FFP and can spend at will. Why isn't this taken into account?

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I think a club can be in debt, like any firm, can be in debt so long as it's sustainable with no effect on meeting financial commitments.

A firm with large debts but showing year on year profits and not defaulting on any payments is probably in better condition than a firm with little debt but haemorrhaging an increasing amount of money year on year.
I will hold judgment a bit and say that if Everton are showing their best results since 2017-18 then that is a) Promising and b) Trending in the right direction.

Albeit the last 3 exceeded £100m per season but it'll be interesting to see what the accounts say. Any improvement has to be positive.
Probably because we have a 90% wage to revenue ratio
I get that it’s high but we have been having financial issues for like 5 years and talking about the wage issue for so long. How have we not brought that down in those years?

Edit. I know it’s because of abysmal leadership and crap dofs but still blows my mind how crap we are at finances despite being owned by a billionaire accountant.
I will hold judgment a bit and say that if Everton are showing their best results since 2017-18 then that is a) Promising and b) Trending in the right direction.

Albeit the last 3 exceeded £100m per season but it'll be interesting to see what the accounts say. Any improvement has to be positive.
Really depends on the size of the reduction from previous years and on the underlying numbers. We were always going to improve on the last few years because we sold Richarlison expressly to do so. If we've ONLY improved by that much it's not a real, substantial, sustainable improvement. Hopefully the numbers excluding player trading will also be heading in the right direction. Offloading more and more high earning wasters should hopefully at least be making a dent in the wage bill.

I get that it’s high but we have been having financial issues for like 5 years and talking about the wage issue for so long. How have we not brought that down in those years?

Edit. I know it’s because of abysmal leadership and crap dofs
The wage bill should be reducing from where it was in the last published accounts (20/21). In 21/22 we got James, Digne, Bernard, Bolasie and Walcott all off the wage bill, five significant earners, and other than the Dele misadventure the players we brought in won't be on as much, so we should hopefully see wages going in the right direction in the accounts tomorrow.

We've also subsequently got rid of Gylfi, Delph, Tosun, Allan and Richarlison, five more big earners, so the accounts for this season should show further wage reduction.
All these wonderful players that we sold are really tearing it up at pastures new, aren't they? I mean, James, Digne, and Richarlison - arguably our three best players - have pretty much...disappeared since leaving Everton. How's Anthony Gordon doing?

I dunno. Maybe these players just weren't as good as some thought they were... It might explain how we were never really that good with them, even if we are materially worse without some of them.

What an incredible spin attempt. A £110m loss would be our “best accounts” since then. The bar is on the floor.

Because the rules are based on profit and/loss and/or revenue

Its about ensuring sustainability by controlling the losses that clubs are allowed to make. Which in turn are related to revenues

They cannot 'spend at will' but what they can do is spend what their revenue allow

Unfortunately too many Everton fans have been blind to the fact that Denise Barrett-Baxendale and Bill Kenwright are absolutely useless at their jobs. They believed the nonsense that came out of them.

Whilst the club should have been doing everything it could to raise revenues the pair of them were trying to self promote themselves via the media.

The whole thing is a joke at Everton. Unfortunately too many of our fans have swallowed the lies from Kenwright and Baxendale down the years.

Sadly Moshiri, the owner, is also blind to that fact.

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