Homepage Article Farhad Moshiri Interview

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Why on earth did he speak to that White creature? And give him plenty of time to edit the content. Not saying White did, but once bitten twice shy and all that.

Personally, I wouldnt trust the word or methods of Jim White an inch.
I’m not at all comfortable with this massive disconnect between the players and the crowd. It’s the root of the moaning and sighing as soon as a few passes go astray, which is often tbf. But who are the crowd favourites these days? We loved most of the players in the eighties teams, but I just don’t feel anything for any of this lot. Let’s hope Carlo can change the mentality.
Roughly translated
I tried to get us challenging with a few younger inexperienced Managers but it didn’t work out. I didn’t realise the standards that the fans expect at Everton but I do now, hence Ancelott.

I don’t think he’s said anything offensive or derogatory towards the fans.

Roughly translated
I tried to get us challenging with a few younger inexperienced Managers but it didn’t work out. I didn’t realise the standards that the fans expect at Everton but I do now, hence Ancelott.

I don’t think he’s said anything offensive or derogatory towards the fans.

Yep think thats what he's trying to say.

Tbf I dont think his english is all that great - hopefully the basketcase just has trouble articulating what he means.
Would be nice if he had outright apologised to the fans for hiring such inappropriate managers as Koeman, Allardyce and Silva.
These three decisions have set us back years, giving even the likes of Ancelotti a mountain to climb.
As for the fans, of course there are expectations. I think we have been patient beyond belief given the painful frustration we have had to deal with all these years.
The fans do not have press conferences. They have only one way to verbalize their opinion (other than social media and great places like GOT), and that is at the match. If a fan can't express feelings during an actual game then why bother letting them in?
If these highly paid coaches and players can't take that, then get out of the game. There is usually a very good reason why thousands of people are booing you. Take heed. NSNO!!
He’s having a bit of a pop at the fans, but he’s not really wrong to be fair. He’s delivered us Ancelotti and if all goes well a new unbelievable stadium too, so he can ring me up and personally call me a bellend for all I care. He’s delivering.

Exactly. Totally agree. Bed wetters in here jumping in every minute detail of his interview.

It’s the same bed wetters who boo the players, but not take any criticism themselves.

Not that I’ve taken it as a criticism btw, because what’s been said is 100% accurate.
Would be nice if he had outright apologised to the fans for hiring such inappropriate managers as Koeman, Allardyce and Silva.
These three decisions have set us back years, giving even the likes of Ancelotti a mountain to climb.
As for the fans, of course there are expectations. I think we have been patient beyond belief given the painful frustration we have had to deal with all these years.
The fans do not have press conferences. They have only one way to verbalize their opinion (other than social media and great places like GOT), and that is at the match. If a fan can't express feelings during an actual game then why bother letting them in?
If these highly paid coaches and players can't take that, then get out of the game. There is usually a very good reason why thousands of people are booing you. Take heed. NSNO!!

I think that is what he was pretty much saying. In a roundabout (probably edited) sort of way.

I think this was quite an honest interview. He is right that our core problem is that our financial base isn't big enough. I'd love to know what plans he has to get us to improve in this area?

He's also right that we probably need a more experienced manager in now. I have said that increasingly, that I'm not sure a younger manager will get the time to enact a plan here. We need someone who can deliver immediate results, and then earn themselves a bit of time.
Would be nice if he had outright apologised to the fans for hiring such inappropriate managers as Koeman, Allardyce and Silva.
These three decisions have set us back years, giving even the likes of Ancelotti a mountain to climb.
As for the fans, of course there are expectations. I think we have been patient beyond belief given the painful frustration we have had to deal with all these years.
The fans do not have press conferences. They have only one way to verbalize their opinion (other than social media and great places like GOT), and that is at the match. If a fan can't express feelings during an actual game then why bother letting them in?
If these highly paid coaches and players can't take that, then get out of the game. There is usually a very good reason why thousands of people are booing you. Take heed. NSNO!!

If you are prepared to dish it out to the players/ manager, then be able to take the odd bit of constructive criticism too.

If you go to the games, you’ll know the boos start after a few mis places passes. It’s too much. Don’t get me wrong I agree players/ managers are not exempt from this, but our fans are particularly cut throat when it comes to this.

So Moshiri was correct in what he said.

I’ve lambasted the team from my seat, yet Moshiri’s comments today have not insulted me in the slightest
I think this was quite an honest interview. He is right that our core problem is that our financial base isn't big enough. I'd love to know what plans he has to get us to improve in this area?

He's also right that we probably need a more experienced manager in now. I have said that increasingly, that I'm not sure a younger manager will get the time to enact a plan here. We need someone who can deliver immediate results, and then earn themselves a bit of time.
Our financial base isn’t big enough ? How many hundreds of millions have been spent on players? How much on managers? And for what? Not for the managers to be fired because they dared to lose 2 home games on the bounce as he is falsely attempting to claim. No, it’s because his poor choices of manager and players have left us directly in and around the relegation zone and being thrashed by teams. If these managers were getting us even top 7/8 I don’t think there would be calls for anyone’s head.

An absolutely disgraceful interview from a bitter man. I’d rather he went back to his yacht and stayed there instead of spending 95% of his time haemorrhaging the club with his destructive meddling.
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Hes not wrong though. Too many of our fans have this delusion that we are more than what we are at the minute. I mean someone on here mentioned we were English royalty not so long ago. Which we are no where near or haven't been for over 30 years.

I mean a lot of our fans haven't even seen us win a trophy and as soon as a manager hits a sticky patch they jump on the bandwagon about how the manager needs to go.

We've just appointed a world class manager but he will have a sticky patch but I wont be surprised if the same fans get on his back.

Moshiri has the luxury of not looking at the club with blue tinted glasses on and doesnt have a biased opinion.

It's not the fans getting on the managers back because of a sticky patch it's fans getting on the managers back because they are terrible managers who show no progression. One a club has stopped progressing as a team then it's over as a manager as the team will only go backwards.

You make it sound like we're ungrateful fans that have turned on world class manager after world class manager. As opposed to the relegation fodder dross that we've been given.

Let's see how we get on with a actual world class manager.

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