Everton Youth Teams Thread

Younger than both Kouyate and Okoronkwo, just, he could be a great signing , very much a little to lose situation and if he makes it to the first team squad it’ll be quite the signing for our scouting team.
I did note “ depending on Work Permit “ let’s hope we’re not evertoning this up.

….are you suggesting his future probably lies away from Everton?
21 years old , nowhere near the first team , playing well for the u21s so yeah time to put himself on show for his next club.
Let’s face it , in the past 10 years we’ve only had 3 players come through our Academy from 16 and play 50 games for us , Kenny, Davies, Gordon . Roughly 100 players , so a 3% success rate. Sadly for this thread it’s easier to say “ they’re all crap , none will make it” , you’ll be right 97 % of the time. 🤷‍♂️

Not so fun fact: Mcallister and Bradley played in the same Dungannon Swifts side and both moved to Merseyside in the same summer.
I looked this up after you said it not because I didn't believe you just because I wanted to find out more about Dungannon Swifts and if this was unusual for them. I saw an article with quotes from their manager at the time and he says Bradley is a brilliant footballer and McAllister has a good attitude and tries hard. I'm paraphrasing but that was the gist of it and I just think it goes a long way to explaining things that we just don't get the better players in at those younger ages people focus on what we're producing for the top level but if the players aren't there to begin with its hard.
21 years old , nowhere near the first team , playing well for the u21s so yeah time to put himself on show for his next club.
Let’s face it , in the past 10 years we’ve only had 3 players come through our Academy from 16 and play 50 games for us , Kenny, Davies, Gordon . Roughly 100 players , so a 3% success rate. Sadly for this thread it’s easier to say “ they’re all crap , none will make it” , you’ll be right 97 % of the time. 🤷‍♂️

….yep, it’s always been the way. Very few will come through. I thought the success rate was actually lower than 3%.

I was an avid Academy watcher for many years, Bellefield was like a 2nd home. Talented lads but I can probably count on the fingers of one hand the players I just knew had what it takes to be a first teamer. Osman and Rooney were absolute stand-outs. Richard Dunne was very good, Colin Harvey particularly rated him.

Unless they are obviously special, all we can say is a certain player has a chance.
21 years old , nowhere near the first team , playing well for the u21s so yeah time to put himself on show for his next club.
Let’s face it , in the past 10 years we’ve only had 3 players come through our Academy from 16 and play 50 games for us , Kenny, Davies, Gordon . Roughly 100 players , so a 3% success rate. Sadly for this thread it’s easier to say “ they’re all crap , none will make it” , you’ll be right 97 % of the time. 🤷‍♂️
Barkley? -

edit - as you were - just noticed you said last 10 years...
