Everton v Liverpool, Wednesday 1st December 20:15

Everton MOTM vs Liverpool

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Through all the nadirs of the last 25 years, the one thing that has been elite about this club throughout has been the attendance levels. I'm fearful around how much longer that can be sustained, as following is just isn't fun and hasn't been for an age. That has to start telling eventually.

The reduction of young blues around the city in recent years has been talked about repeatedly on these forums but is now starting to feel like it's shifting from the realms of anecdote to something more tangible. Honestly, who can blame them, but it certainly doesn't bode well for filling Bramley Moore in fifteen years time unless on pitch performances turn pretty rapidly.
You have to say that you'd think twice about dressing up your baby in a blue kit on the way home from hospital. Probably safer to get them a Tranmere kit to avoid them looking at you in 10 years time with that face that says "what have you done to me"
For full transparency, I wanted this result to happen and I'm actually quite annoyed that the players have even give him a consolation goal.

For people who genuinely think that the Goodison crowd is a hindrance to the performance of this team, Goodison was well behind that team and I think the team responded. I genuinely can't fault the effort from them and I think a few players come out of that quite well. The only party who I think didn't keep up their end of the bargain was that fat kopite.

The team looks absolutely clueless with the ball and this whole myth of him making a team solid is exactly what it is, a myth. The only reason we scored a goal was because they made a mistake and the ball fell to our 2 best players on the pitch.

I don't think they'll pull the trigger on him and I find the media narrative that nows the time for us to give a manager time worrying. If we give him the season we'll go down. The disconnect between the fans and club is way too big. He needs to be turfed as soon as possible.

Also as a side note, that Liverpool away crowd absolutely epitomises the spirit of being a kopite. They rocked up to a game that was only gonna end one way and still soiled themselves when it went 2-1, despite us being us. And at points I felt like a member of Take That with the amount of Phone lights I could see pointing in my direction. Plastic fans.

Honestly, after the first 20 minutes (2 goals conceded), I thought we were creeping back into the game and I did feel we would score. After Gray scored, we were threatening and did trouble Liverpool up until Coleman's individual error that led to a goal conceded. But the players just gave up after that. And this is typical Everton - nervous and panic every time we concede a goal. I thought the ref was making terrible decisions in the first half, all in favour of Liverpool - typical.

Benitez's facial expression on TV was as if he was going to shed a tear. He is out of ideas on how to turn things around. Sacking him might please the fans, but we still face the same problem - poor mental strength, poor defenders, at least 5 players in first team squad are deadwood, no transfer funds and a fraud DoF.
Said it before, you can't blame Benitez for the absolute state of the squad he's been gifted by brands and co. We showed a bit more spirit, but not enough, and most of them don't look like they give a toss were getting pumped every week.

Coleman should have been replaced about 3 seasons ago, and it was devastating to see his performance against mane, Salah and Jota tonight - the aberration on the half way line was just the final kick in the plums and it's sad to see him play now.

Although the could have been 5 up before we scored, we were right in the game prior to that, an the vermin and their fans knew it - they crapped themselves in the stands and on the pitch, all the songs stopped and we could have definitely scored again - the high line was their for the taking if we wanted to. Herr Shippmann talking his team up post match is just more kopite propaganda - they were better than us but not that great, and a better side than our could and would have hurt them.

Sadly his pre match cryarsing about naughty Everton absolutley worked - the ref was pathetic and couldn't wait to blow the whistle or book our players.

The biggest issue I have with Benitez is his unwillingness to change the system, even when it's clear were being overan in midfield and the use of the subs and younger players - when rondon was done I'd have gone for tosun if he didn't want to change the system, or Dobbin to try something different.

Not sure Gordon was the right sub then, though he did alright tbf.

The Delph sub was just waving the white flag - should have gone for it with Dobbin then, what did he have to loose?!

the technical ability of our players on the ball is shocking

500 mil spent for a squad which can’t pass, shoot or run

Thought this for a long time. I watch some of the crap teams in the league, and they still have players that can trap a ball and pass it properly.
We've got some really terrible footballers at this club.
The ones that can play actual football, are then stupid.

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