Everton v Leicester City - Preview, Match Report and MotM Poll

Your Everton MOTM vs Leicester

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With all the games Leicester need to play in a short space of time before they play Roma it will be interesting to see what team they put out today against Newcastle. Might give a clue how they will approach Wednesday’s game
With all the games Leicester need to play in a short space of time before they play Roma it will be interesting to see what team they put out today against Newcastle. Might give a clue how they will approach Wednesday’s game
Thing is they are 14 points from a European place, league games are pretty much irrelevant to them now, i cant see him risking anyone and resting everyone
Thing is they are 14 points from a European place, league games are pretty much irrelevant to them now, i cant see him risking anyone and resting everyone
Exactly. They can’t get relegated or challenge for euro places so all eggs in the Euro Conference basket surely

Vardie gonna be fit for this?
Sounds going by Rodgers, reports and and co, that he may not even be fit the rest of the season, having pain in his knee when he hits the ball etc, and had injection before midweeks game to see if that helps, he has only played less than a full game in the last 3 and a half months
I seen this morning that the player who can't be named has had his bail extended until July.

That will be a full 12 months since his initial arrest.
Spoke to my daughter about this (she has experience with dealing with type of thing) she reckons it’s a long time for a job of this nature and suggests it’s not even gone to the cps yet. She was convinced it was a certain type of crime but not so sure now because of the length of time it’s been going on.
Spoke to my daughter about this (she has experience with dealing with type of thing) she reckons it’s a long time for a job of this nature and suggests it’s not even gone to the cps yet. She was convinced it was a certain type of crime but not so sure now because of the length of time it’s been going on.

Can you imagine after all this if he was found not guilty. Full year of his playing career gone, lost opportunity of contract extension, his character in tatters.

You'd think to have someone suspended for a year of their career the evidence would be substantial so I'm surprised it's gone on for so long. Obviously I don't know how the system works or what he may or may not have done but you'd think his lawyers would want it over asap

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