Everton Summer Transfer Thread - 2022

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Will be a great player - I am just absolutely certain we will have no club who he is in the club, he hasn’t got that all important attribute they look for - prem experience.

We are such an awful club at transfers really - in and out

That's the problem with premier league experience for a club in our position. You're either taking guys who aren't good enough to play at a big team, or guys on the way down and, either way, you're paying a premium.

You'll get the occasional win like Richarlison, but by and large its a recipe for stasis.

Hopefully Mykolenko is a sign of things to come. Still have hope for Nkonkou also.

I think he was lucky that Burnley blew their chance of staying up, we need to get some real quality players in otherwise the team I put in here will truly be starting for us
Well we still wouldn’t have gone down as we also finished ahead of Leeds ?
Interesting the approach we take now.

If we do sell Richy soon which seems certain, do we suddenly start bringing in targets - or are we trying to wait out whilst some teams Chelsea, City, etc spend before and see what their incomings mean in terms if who then becomes available?

We need to hold a domestic loan for sure.

Hopefully we see some activity, as Richy going has been a known fact before the season ended as has been the areas we need to strengthen.

The speed of doing the Tarkowski deal, seems to suggest we are at least trying to be proactive - Richy going releasing financial constraints will show just how proactive we will be now
Hopefully a bit of both. A couple of targets that are top of the list and then hopefully some of the others towards the end of the window.

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