Transfer Rumour Everton poised to make £25m bid for Celtic full-back Kieran Tierney

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Don’t think we will be spending 25m under this regime anytime soon.

Don’t think we will see any flashy signings for a few windows.

I think we are more likely to go for someone like Joe Bryan.

Don’t think we will be spending 25m under this regime anytime soon.

Don’t think we will see any flashy signings for a few windows.

I think we are more likely to go for someone like Joe Bryan.
Hasn’t he gone to Burnley? To be honest I read that he wasn’t the best defender in the world, got criticised quite a bit last season by Bristol fans. and played left midfield at times last season. I would rather give Robinson games than waste 10mil on Bryan.
Have to say guy, you are being pretty annoying with some of your posts and I'm a Celtic supporter. Manners and all that...

Please tell me you're not being serious here?

Zen master called Celtic tossers because we want 25 million pounds for KT. I replied to him that we should just give Tiereny away. Tungetango then made, what I assumed to be, a light hearted post about it being good for their careers. I replied in a similar manner that it had done Ashley Williams career a world of good, and for good measure I added a smiley face so there would be no mistake that I was joking. What the hell is your problem with that?

I reply to people in the manner they make posts. The majority of guys on here seem normal, decent enough, dudes, and there have been three really good guys. If you had actually read the posts you would realise there has been one guy who is the very embodiment of the little Englander type, and comes across as that loudmouth bore type you bump into in your Spanish hotel, who constantly rubbishes, the hotel, the food, and the people etc, and you can't wait to get your food, and gtf away from him.

Another nutter actually accused me of lying about seeing Kenny Dalglish, and having an Everton kit when I was a boy! How would you suggest I reply to people like that, crawl up their backsides? I give complete respect to people who deserve it, and I believe I have done on this forum.
Please tell me you're not being serious here?

Zen master called Celtic tossers because we want 25 million pounds for KT. I replied to him that we should just give Tiereny away. Tungetango then made, what I assumed to be, a light hearted post about it being good for their careers. I replied in a similar manner that it had done Ashley Williams career a world of good, and for good measure I added a smiley face so there would be no mistake that I was joking. What the hell is your problem with that?

I reply to people in the manner they make posts. The majority of guys on here seem normal, decent enough, dudes, and there have been three really good guys. If you had actually read the posts you would realise there has been one guy who is the very embodiment of the little Englander type, and comes across at that loudmouth bore you bump into in your Spanish hotel, who constantly rubbishes, the hotel, the food, and the people etc, and you can't wait to get your food, and gtf away from him. Another nutter actually accused me of lying about seeing Kenny Dalglish, and having an Everton kit when I was a boy! How would you suggest I reply to people like that, crawl up their backsides? I give complete respect to people who deserve it, and I believe I have done on this forum.

The 'for the good of their careers' is an in-joke mate. It is what Moyes said when trying to poach Baines and Fellaini for United 3 days after he arrived there.
The 'for the good of their careers' is an in-joke mate. It is what Moyes said when trying to poach Baines and Fellaini for United 3 days after he arrived there.

Cheers. ;)

I didn't know it was an in joke, but I still took it as a joke, and made a light hearted reply. I can't imagine how anyone would have problem with my reply. So far, the guy I replied to hasn't bothered about it, though in fairness he may be at work.

Lambert was the first British player to win the European Cup with a foreign side and the first to win the Champions League since the change of format in 1992. Was a superb player, raised s few eyebrows when Dortmund signed him from Motherwell on a bosman

Anyone who was at the UEFA Cup game at Motherwell wasn’t surprised at all. He was too good for the SPL. I think Motherwell and Dortmund got his best years.
I know Celtic are a big team in a small pond at this moment in time, but I honestly don't know how they ca
Not a Scouser then?

(takes cover)
I think we just found Danny Murphy's undercover account.:red:

About Tierney, sorry for veering even slightly nearer to being on-topic, I know he bleeds green and all that, but if Everton came in for him and made a bid that was acceptable, I presume he'd up sticks and come south. Would you take the likes of McCarthy back as part of that deal? I honestly don't really see anyone other than McCarthy as being an ideal fit for a permanent transfer to the SPL. I could see Klassen, or one or two of the other fringe players being good loan prospects going the other way if (a big) part of their wages were covered, and could benefit both clubs.
Anyone who was at the UEFA Cup game at Motherwell wasn’t surprised at all. He was too good for the SPL. I think Motherwell and Dortmund got his best years.

The place he played his entire career, apart from one year?

The difference in money wasn't as big back then, and Celtic had some excellent players. Lambert was a very good player for Celtic, but he was no Larsson, or Moravcik. If the SPL was good enough for them, it was certainly good enough for Lambert.

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