Homepage Article Ellis Simms Joins Blackpool

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Dads army rules at EFC yet again Coleman's years were a waste as he had it in him every fan could see that .....DM the shirt was his after a great game v Spurs etc we never give youth a chance playing expensive donkeys like Tosun hey ho..... we sign older players past their best on long lucrative contracts - then wonder why we cannot get rid so dispense with Simms as Unsy rated him as the next Michael Owen who scores for fun ......
Josh Bowler wants away - we lack pace in the midfield, so we sign Delpth Mr sick note.... so on it goes it's not Carlo it's the DOF scrap that post as it's not working........ we had a USA left back plus Lookman sold for a mere 15 million ..... youth imo is being despatched to save on deadwood.... we ain't going to get rid of.....
I am honestly getting worried about myself
I understood all that except the piece in bold
That scares me :) :) :) :) :)
Looks like a good signing this. Sent Ben Woodburn back to anfield last week, as he was lazy and not arsed. He certainly looks the part this lad, hopefully shake up the league one defences. Should get a start at Brighton in the Cup as the club have a bit of an injury crisis at the moment. Could get off to a flier.

Dads army rules at EFC yet again Coleman's years were a waste as he had it in him every fan could see that .....DM the shirt was his after a great game v Spurs etc we never give youth a chance playing expensive donkeys like Tosun hey ho..... we sign older players past their best on long lucrative contracts - then wonder why we cannot get rid so dispense with Simms as Unsy rated him as the next Michael Owen who scores for fun ......
Josh Bowler wants away - we lack pace in the midfield, so we sign Delpth Mr sick note.... so on it goes it's not Carlo it's the DOF scrap that post as it's not working........ we had a USA left back plus Lookman sold for a mere 15 million ..... youth imo is being despatched to save on deadwood.... we ain't going to get rid of.....
:hayee: :hayee: :hayee: :hayee:

Dads army rules at EFC yet again Coleman's years were a waste as he had it in him every fan could see that .....DM the shirt was his after a great game v Spurs etc we never give youth a chance playing expensive donkeys like Tosun hey ho..... we sign older players past their best on long lucrative contracts - then wonder why we cannot get rid so dispense with Simms as Unsy rated him as the next Michael Owen who scores for fun ......
Josh Bowler wants away - we lack pace in the midfield, so we sign Delpth Mr sick note.... so on it goes it's not Carlo it's the DOF scrap that post as it's not working........ we had a USA left back plus Lookman sold for a mere 15 million ..... youth imo is being despatched to save on deadwood.... we ain't going to get rid of.....

Crikey that's a difficult one to digest.

At the end of the day mate, Tosun is better than Simms so there's no way he's going to be given a chance ahead of him. He's going on loan to League 1 club, not like other Prem sides are desperate to see him play in this league.

Bowler struggled at Hull last season, Robinson looks OK but doesn't get ahead of Digne or even Godfrey at LB and Lookman was given plenty of chances to succeed but couldn't take them + plus we made a tidy profit on him.
Crikey that's a difficult one to digest.

At the end of the day mate, Tosun is better than Simms so there's no way he's going to be given a chance ahead of him. He's going on loan to League 1 club, not like other Prem sides are desperate to see him play in this league.

Bowler struggled at Hull last season, Robinson looks OK but doesn't get ahead of Digne or even Godfrey at LB and Lookman was given plenty of chances to succeed but couldn't take them + plus we made a tidy profit on him.
I would not worry about it
You are certainly not alone in that regard
Coleman was great before he was loaned out his debut v Spurs on as substitute - DM on radio Merseyside what a performance - the shirts his - we never saw him again - then out to Blackpool who tried to sign him - we stuck with Hibbert .......
DM did this with Osman too - till he heard rave reports about him at Derby in the days you could just grab a player back asap not like that today sadly........
'Never saw him again'

Coleman played about 10 games for Blackpool and has since totaled nearly 300 games for Everton and has been Captain of the side the last couple of years.

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