Homepage Article Ellis Simms Joins Blackpool

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If he's allowed leave, surely Zirkee (or another striker) must be pending.
Hopefully, though I wouldn’t hold my breath. His inclusion on the bench recently just seemed to be to make up the numbers, with Gylfi preferred ahead of him to start up front last time out.

We defo need another forward option IMO, but I doubt him leaving will have had an affect on it either way.
Just proves that this ‘why is Carlo not throwing Simms on’ talk was ridiculous. If he lights up Blackpool then fair enough but the fact that we’re happy to loan him out when w heave on reserve striker in the squad says everything about the level he’s at.

....not sure if this now takes him to the end of his contract but I doubt we’ll see him in an Everton shirt again. Good luck to the lad.
Dads army rules at EFC yet again Coleman's years were a waste as he had it in him every fan could see that .....DM the shirt was his after a great game v Spurs etc we never give youth a chance playing expensive donkeys like Tosun hey ho..... we sign older players past their best on long lucrative contracts - then wonder why we cannot get rid so dispense with Simms as Unsy rated him as the next Michael Owen who scores for fun ......
Josh Bowler wants away - we lack pace in the midfield, so we sign Delpth Mr sick note.... so on it goes it's not Carlo it's the DOF scrap that post as it's not working........ we had a USA left back plus Lookman sold for a mere 15 million ..... youth imo is being despatched to save on deadwood.... we ain't going to get rid of.....
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Look at what happened to Coleman after he was loaned to Blackpoool.

Were converting Simms to right back :eek:

....not sure if this now takes him to the end of his contract but I doubt we’ll see him in an Everton shirt again. Good luck to the lad.

Yes I'm not 100% sure but unless I missed it his contract runs out June 2021
Interesting...who are our other centre forwards in the u23s?

I’ve watched this lad on numerous occasions & unfortunately at the moment he is nowhere near good enough for the premiership

Hopefully he does well for them then and gets a contract.
Dads army rules at EFC yet again Coleman's years were a waste as he had it in him every fan could see that .....DM the shirt was his after a great game v Spurs etc we never give youth a chance playing expensive donkeys like Tosun hey ho.....

...to be fair, Joey, when I recently watched Simms in an U23 game he looked a long way off playing PL football. These kids have to earn a start, they can’t ‘just be given a chance’. The gulf between Academy & First Team is massive, only the few outstanding youngsters can bridge it.

Find it a bit of a concern that he’s going to a lower table League One club in all honesty. It’s indicative of the huge jump he needs to make if he is to become a regular here, especially as he’s now 20.

There's a lot of things to consider when loaning a player, club playing style, managerial methods, other staff, expected involvement, location. Would be interested to see why Blackpool has been chosen, but I doubt their position would have been the top factor.
...to be fair, Joey, when I recently watched Simms in an U23 game he looked a long way off playing PL football. These kids have to earn a start, they can’t ‘just be given a chance’. The gulf between Academy & First Team is massive, only the few outstanding youngsters can bridge it.

Fully agreed. It’s not like we have poor strikers either. DCL and Richarlison could play for anyone. Tosun is working his way back to fitness but there’s still a world of difference between him and the all the experience and coaching he’ll have had at his former clubs and international level and what Simms has got. Only the truly exceptional talents tend to make it in the strikers position out of academies in the premier league. Rooney, Owen, Kane, Rashford, there’s not many others at top clubs that spring to mind and have nailed down a first team spot.
...to be fair, Joey, when I recently watched Simms in an U23 game he looked a long way off playing PL football. These kids have to earn a start, they can’t ‘just be given a chance’. The gulf between Academy & First Team is massive, only the few outstanding youngsters can bridge it.
I am being fair any young lad in the youth set up its like musical chairs on the bench then disappears in the team dragged off even when creating the opening goal in the FA Cup with a lovely through ball ..... it's as if we have to accommodate the useless older players with long contracts who are pants....

I have never seen Simms, but he has never had a sniff imo - where Tuson we know his capabilities - I have seen Josh Bowler imo better than Walcott ....

The problem is the under 23s don't play week in week out - hope Simms does well, but we are root pruning and not pruning the high earners of our club not Carlo' s fault - our DOFs- a position that imo needs doing away with as they have signed more rubbish than we ever have in our recent history the only time managers have had a big budget under a new owner - wasted bar a few signings ...... old contract far too long we are high in the league & can only afford a loan signing maybe?

We have to stop signing long contracts past it players or not proven ..... it's a recipe for disaster

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