Downing Unhappy, Would You Want Him?

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I managed to make my eyes bleed by reading a page and a half of this threat, wtf was this guy on about? i don't even understand what he was trying to say. Is english his second language or something?? The lack of paragraphs was one thing, but his entire sentence structure was beyond comprehension!

I need someone to translate this for me, I'm bloody lost here. Is the gist of it that PS3 footy is the way forward and should now be the new coaching manual for Moysey? And anyone who is physically and athletically superior should be a footballer for EFC, simply because that would make them a better footballer? Is this the gist of it? Or am I missing something here?

[Poor language removed] me my head hurts!

I managed to make my eyes bleed by reading a page and a half of this threat, wtf was this guy on about? i don't even understand what he was trying to say. Is english his second language or something?? The lack of paragraphs was one thing, but his entire sentence structure was beyond comprehension!

I need someone to translate this for me, I'm bloody lost here. Is the gist of it that PS3 footy is the way forward and should now be the new coaching manual for Moysey? And anyone who is physically and athletically superior should be a footballer for EFC, simply because that would make them a better footballer? Is this the gist of it? Or am I missing something here?

[Poor language removed] me my head hurts!

I think the gist was:

Instead of getting good footballers and trying to make them fit

Get people who are athletic and physically imposing and teach them how to play football
I think the gist was:

Instead of getting good footballers and trying to make them fit

Get people who are athletic and physically imposing and teach them how to play football

thanks for that, my head still hurts though

So Tyson up front instead of Big Dunc in his prime. Nigel ben and Eubanks as centre backs, Linford Christine and Ben Johnson on the flanks. A couple of gymnasts in the centre, because they can bounce about all over the shop. That tripple jumper Jonathan Edwards at left back, and Colin Jackson at right back. They could easily use their superior bouncing skills to jump over Linford and Ben and whip some corners into the box. And big Shak O'neil in the goals, simply because his 7 foot and would just need to stand there with his arms out to stop any goals going in

Not sure if these guys were all around in the same era, but I think the kids got a point. No one would score goals, they'd get knocked the F*** out. Tyson would score at will because the oppositions goalie would be terrified. and we'd have pace and athleticism all across the park. This guy is a genius ffs! They'll make a movie about this guys coaching skills in a few years, he just needs a chance! He's like that guy in Moneyball, and I don't mean Brad Pitt.

Pure awesomeness. FFS Moyes take notes!
He was a visonary man, he saw the future.

And he was thrown to the wolves by those who profess to love him. For shame.

For shame.

Absolutely howling.

How can someone be so horrifically wrong?

Pissing myself at this:
pac man jones? what are you saying? who else is there? Super Mario McCarthy? Sonic "The Hedgehog" Smith?
Always thought Phil Tufnell, with six months on the ste's, would have made an amazeballs quarterback.
An Gladston'no neck' Small as running back.

Downing doesnt seem to have adopted Lbpl im a cnut syndrome as of yet, and definatley has talent, could Moysie harness that?

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