Confirmed: Roberto Martinez Sacked

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That is too harsh; there were times in that first season where he set us up pragmatically and in a way that worked - the problem was that he (seemingly deliberately) did not do that in either of the next two seasons.

Moyes legacy mate, and if you know my stance on Moyes I was not one who liked him at all, but have to say he left a fit squad that had so much orginisation drilled into it that it took a year to be drilled out, it meant Bobby could do his phillosophy and face none of the consequences for the huge flaws inherent in it, and for a season we all thought we'd hit the jackpot, but alas the real Martinez is the one we saw the last two

Martinez will not succeed in any league like the prem unless he changes everything about the way he goes about business

Thats the big thing. Had he been honest even ONCE with us fans over the last 2 years I think a lot more would be more forgiving. The constant deflection of blame is what put almost everyone off.

Yep, always wanted to like the man, but the fact he was happy to find excuse wore thin a long time ago. Only thing disappointing was how long this took.
Im not going to take any joy out of his dismissal,his first season was like a breath of fresh air going to United,Arsenal etc and actually having a go,his speech at the hillsborough memorial was passionate,eloquent and from the heart
Ultimately it was a step too large for him the last couple of months have been painful to the point I had become apathetic about the team I love but I blame the players and board for that as much as i blame Roberto,I wish him good luck in whatevwr future role he takes and hope this is the start of a massive clear out at the club
Shame it had to end like this. Neither the board, nor Martinez to be honest, have come out of this looking great.

The board have dithered when they needed to be decisive and, though not very realistic, Martinez could have walked but was either hanging on for the cash, or really believed he could turn it round.

I wish him well in whatever he does next, but ultimately he wasn't good enough.

Farewell Roberto Martinez Discussion Thread.. goodbye old friend as you sink below the waves (of page 1)..

There will be a few "out of contract-ish" players wondering what's next now.
Think the joy I get from hearing it is because it was a long time coming.

So yeah, thanks for the horrible memories Roberto and the one joyous season, but you are clearly not cut out for top level management and sadly it was us you proved thst with

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