Club Statement: Coronavirus

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Makes me laugh the line about not following Europe, you can imagine that can’t you:

All of Europes Leagues: unfortunately we are going to have to null and void.

Prem: no we are gonna continue because one team is miles ahead and the media are desperate for them to win the title, so we will start our new season towards the end of 2020.

Rest of Leagues: Oh, ok, so you are accepting that none of your teams will be in either the Champions League or the Europa League then, ok good luck with that.

Premier League: But Liverpool...30 years.... Aldridge said...:...

In Italy and Spain , Serie A and La Liga have already been declared null and void.
How do we measure it so it's safe to play Football again? Under 10 people dying in England in a day/week, 0?, Until a vaccine is found? Behind closed doors has to be off the table because they cannot use valuable resources in doctors/ambulance at matches while the virus is around.
The FA won't want blood on there hands if they allow football back and the slight chance a player/manager catches and something terrible happens and surely you can't make players keep fit for say until October to play these matches.
While voiding would come with loads of complications and teams/companies sueing it surely the easier option over trying fix this that and everything else.

180 passed away today, my sympathies to their families.
180 passed away today, my sympathies to their families.
Scarily, there was a NHS spokesperson on the News earlier that there was 181 registered so far today and the reality is way way higher. Ahead of registration the death, there has to be confirmation family are informed, paperword etc
As Ive said throughout, the general mood in early March will not resemble the mood come late April, never mind as we enter May. It is already shifting and increasingly the position of cancel and void is going to emerge.

Even the BBC and other outlets are softening on the question now. Acknowledging the "extend at all costs" may not be feasible (there's no may about it, it's not) and stating that we "may" not have to follow what Europe does.

Slippage galore. It will continue.
Always a slip before they lose their chance.

you both couldn't be further from the truth - to assume some must be a kopite because they are argued a different point to some (rarely outside this thread btw) is disingenuous and lazy. I'm wondering do you think I invested two years of posting or the months in my bedroom creating the coronavirus to orchestrate this debate ?

My point on this thread has been a simple one.... there is no simple solution to getting football back up and running after this pandemic & all will have their challanges, whether that be void & new season, carry on or anything else. I have posed some reasons for and against the majority of them, not just the league will be void and August KO

All the best ;)
We know. You don't have to tell us incessantly in post after post.

Italian FIGC President says they will definitely award the title to someone this season:

“We’d all be happy to finish the season on the pitch. We’re in contact with FIFA for contract extensions if we need to go beyond June 30.

“We have to find a solution and the ideal one would be to go until July 30. We must comply with regulations and what comes from the highest political and scientific offices.

“If we can’t play, we’d still like to preserve the value of the sporting competition that took place on the field.

“We’re talking about where the Scudetto would go, but it’s for the Federal Council to decide.

“We still have to reach a conclusion for next season’s line-up of teams, from the European competitions to promotions and relegations.”

Radio interview tonight:

The president of the #FIGC Gabriele #Gravina to Radio Sportiva: "The primary objective to resume the 2019/20 season is the right choice but it must be completed by mid-July, because the 20/21 season leads to the European Championship and must start no later than mid-August". #CoVid_19
In truth it’s hard to imagine any major event, sporting or otherwise, taking place until a reliable vaccine is found and widely distributed.
This virus is going to be a regular visitor and in the interim until a vaccination program is in place the best we can hope for is to suppress it to manageable levels. This would surely preclude any event which gathers together large crowds for the foreseeable future.
Behind closed doors is a different matter of course.

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