2020/21 Carlo Ancelotti

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Very disappointed considering he always talked about how much he loved it here, and was wanting to stay beyond his contract.
Is there an argument against that?

I'm not even trying to wind up.

I know you're not.

My perspective is this: he got more points than anyone has since Roberto with Moyes' players, and he did it with a squad loaded with dross while fighting a rash of injuries.

Again, snake though he may be, he did a job and IMO willful refusal to recognize that is anti-club.

You're entirely within your rights to disagree.
Look this might be unpopular but for a man of such known class this is a terrible slap in the face to Everton after talking us up for months and saying how long he wanted to stay with us.

Everyone associated with the club have backed him beyond anything, the board and fans sang his name and wanted him to continue after a season of poor home form and finishing 10th. Only ones to let him down were the players. Utter shame what's happened.

He may continue to have a high reputation as a manager but as a man he's gone very down in my estimation. Thought he'd lead us back to glory but he jumped at the first chance, even after saying he'd never go back to Madrid and with all the Super League nonsense they are still to this day pushing.

I honestly don't know what more to say, this truly has killed any hope, joy or optimism I have for football and this club, I'm sure come the start of the season I and others will be raring to go from day 1 but this one hurts for now, very much.


from a footballing standpoint you can make a case that it's not a bad thing, since there seemed to be no set philosophy, no consistency in formations, performance dropped off a cliff, etc.

but this is a punch in the nuts.

The start of a massive Summer of disappointment.

No money for BMD, Kenwright announces that Moyes is coming back, and he can only buy new players if he sells the dross, that nobody in their right minds would wan't.

I'm off to watch the cricket.

I know you're not.

My perspective is this: he got more points than anyone has since Roberto with Moyes' players, and he did it with a squad loaded with dross while fighting a rash of injuries.

Again, snake though he may be, he did a job and IMO willful refusal to recognize that is anti-club.

You're entirely within your rights to disagree.
I don't love the raw points thing though. It doesn't make sense with Roberto either. We were 5th and 10th in those seasons.

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