Bradley Lowery

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No child should ever go through this, but credit to everyone involved to make it an amazing few months for the lad and everything that will spawn from this. Help for other families in this situation and also as a positive promotion to what sport can achieve if we all come together in a common interest. Boundaries totally erased etc and all because of this little fella. Short life, but an amazingly valuable one.

Just in from work and heard the news, gutting.

RIP you little star, more of an inspiration and a man than I could ever be.
Sunderland fan here. I never knew Bradley but I can empathise with his story and feel their loss keenly. I felt compelled to have a look over here as Everton, the club and the fans showed so much class with the kindness you've showered on Bradley and his family.

Seeing the comments here I feel humbled...Everton fans are top class, with hearts as big as toilet seats

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