Bradley Lowery

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Just woke up (Alaska) and turned on GOT - saw this thread at the top - worst fears for so long......

RIP you amazing little man - you touched us all.

Thoughts with his family now. You must be so heartbroken at this time - that will heal and all you will have is the memories of a smashing little boy, so brave who touched so many.

Pain has gone now Bradley. You deserve that for suffering so long with a smile so big.

Miss ya fella!
I keep remembering him in that video they did for him, well a few of them, and them early photos with Defoe, and you know what, it made me smile.

The lad is at peace now, free of pain, and an innocent sole in an eternal playground.

He left behind millions around the planet who all prayed and wished so hard he would recover, sadly, to no avail. For one so small and young, he touched many many hearts, he made football supporters rally behind a Cancer knows no Colour message, and raised the profile of this awful disease to heights never before even dreamt of.

Not a bad legacy for a 6 year old football fan.

Farewell Bradley, and thank you.

My brave boy has went with the angels today 07/07/17 at 13:35, in mammy and daddies arms surrounded by his family.

He was our little superhero and put the biggest fight up but he was needed else where.

There are no words to describe how heart broken we are.

Thank you everyone for all your support and kind words.

Sleep tight baby boy and fly high with them angels

R.I.P. Little angel xx
What a gift to the world this superhero was and is. I say "is" because he has touched all of our hearts in a permanent way. For, he will continue to lift us out of gloom and inspire us each time we remember him. His smile will be the thing that lives with me the longest. To smile through such adversity is a lesson to us all. Life is not about how long you live, it is about what you do in the time you are allotted.

Bradley was not given much time in our world, but in that short visit, he gave us more than what most can manage with many years more.

Thank you for sharing him with us. May you and your inspiring family be blessed with peace at this time of grieving.

Rest In Peace brave Bradley.

Despite what he was going through, he got to do things people dream about their whole lives and became quite the celebrity! His life was cut so short but he definitely got plenty of experiences. I'm sure that every day was filled to the brim with love and joy.
Rest in Peace.
Bradley's life and what he went through obviously transcended football, but clearly his love for the game brought many in English football together.

I'd just like to how impressive and heartwarming what your club and you as a fanbase did for Bradley was. I know that I speak for a lot of Sunderland fans in saying that it wont be forgotten for a long time.

RIP little man. He was special.

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