Bilic confirming that abusing players effects their game

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All jokes aside The fans at the end of the season where unbelievable they kept that team up we all know it , on top of years of sold out away games, season tickets waiting lists , thousands goin abroad for European games and it’s not like Wev had much to cheer to me Everton fans are the best out there
The atmosphere was the best for years and years during the run in. Only, a handful of home games compare in the last 30 years.
The very top players thrive in hostile atmospheres and use it as motivation.

I hate to say it but the likes of Fowler and Suarez at Goodison or Rooney on his return show what mentality is required.
We don’t have those players though. The players we have Missplace a pass, hear the groans and moans and then hide from the ball . Rinse and repeat
Not sure what’s the solution other than not misplacing passes obvs!

The fans in holding back the players shocker.

This rears it’s head every so often and the replies are always the same:

“I pay my money at the gate lad can say what I want they’re paid 100k a week they can take it!!! ???”
Yep, and that’s their right, however, it’s counterproductive as we know.
Money doesn’t change mental stress on the pitch
There used to be a bloke sat near me, constantly on players backs about how crap they were and how much better he could do. One day, he won the "hit the bar" thing they used to do at half time, ànd he couldn't even lift the ball off the floor.?

The next game you didn't hear a peep out if him and at the start of the next season, he'd moved seats.
Who's "we" ? Loads of us didn't. I always liked the fella, mind and was gutted for him today as he's a good blue and always seemsed a top bloke.. as for the player, like many, I wasn't that bothered when we sold him, and couldn't believe we brought him back...although 2nd time around, he was pretty good in the role of "impact sub" , to be fair.
We as in the majority of Evertonians.

The fans in holding back the players shocker.

This rears it’s head every so often and the replies are always the same:

“I pay my money at the gate lad can say what I want they’re paid 100k a week they can take it!!! ???”
Do we have psychologist or counsellors on hand to help us after another loss to the likes of Bournemouth, access to Health Care on tap, Wellbeing and Mindfullness advocates on call, Mental Health Coaches etc etc

Nope, we gotta deal with life's shiz.

Life is tough, at times.

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