Bilic confirming that abusing players effects their game

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They need physiatrists mate

The world of modern media means they are never going to be immune from criticism

They need to show what they are about on the pitch and get their heads in the right space

Shame too many are happy to take the wage these days
I don’t get this “happy to take a sage” myth. They’re pro footballers with a limited shelf life, they want to achieve things, same as you and I. It’s another if those “myths become facts” nonsense

So what are you saying?
I'm saying that fans hurling insults and abuse at athletes is wrong. I don't really care what fans say or yell in the stands but I'm more specifically talking about tracking them down before/after matches or in their personal lives. We may be talking about two different things here.

Nobody is saying that players shouldn't be hearing it for poor performances. The disagreement is from who should be giving it. Your comment almost makes it seem as if we're saying criticism of any kind shouldn't be allowed, which is just silly.
I'm saying that fans hurling insults and abuse at athletes is wrong. I don't really care what fans say or yell in the stands but I'm more specifically talking about tracking them down before/after matches or in their personal lives. We may be talking about two different things here.

Nobody is saying that players shouldn't be hearing it for poor performances. The disagreement is from who should be giving it. Your comment almost makes it seem as if we're saying criticism of any kind shouldn't be allowed, which is just silly.
Nobody should be threatened or abused, of course not, but someone calling a sportsman, a very well remunerated sportsman who's wage comes from the fans by hook or by crook, out on social media for poor form or a lack of effort is absolutely fair and if that is too much for some sportspeople then they should consider a career change.

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