Best Away You've Been to

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at Wolves. Granted it was my only away. However the seats were boss and Nev scored on a stepover, so did Billy.
Goodness me. 1984-85 season had so many. But October 84 was INSANE.

Liverpool away, Sharp, "What a FANTASIC goal". Enough said. My second favorite.

Seven days later we destroyed United at Goodison. Best display I have ever seen. Now comes the good part, and my favorite away game. 3 days later we went to Old Trafford for a League Cup tie. Beat them. Pandemonium.

In the space of 10 days, we were all in dream land.
So many spring to mind . .
Plymouth away FA cup 1975, unbelievable away support that day !
Dukla Prague away 1977, amazing experience
Nuremberg away 2007

So many spring to mind . .
Plymouth away FA cup 1975, unbelievable away support that day !
Dukla Prague away 1977, amazing experience
Nuremberg away 2007
Tell us about dulka must've been hard visas etc I went the home leg 2-1 if I recall they got through on away goals how many blues went was it on the clubs charter
How much
Fulham away, 2011. Drenthe scored a screamer. Zamora missed an empty goal in the 88th minute before Saha and Rodwell both scored in stoppage time for a 3-1 win. Amazing day. My first away match too.

I remember it was the day of the Rugby World Cup final, so Fulham/Hammersmith was teeming with drunk Kiwis in all the bars.
Tell us about dulka must've been hard visas etc I went the home leg 2-1 if I recall they got through on away goals how many blues went was it on the clubs charter
How much
We had to join the Everton travel club for visas, tickets etc, and they laid on flights ( Dan -Air ) from Speke airport.
I reckon about 1,500 made the trip, and Prague wasn't like it is today !
We walked for hours searching for a bar, only the odd working men's smoky local bars, but we took it over and had a great time with the local miners who kept buying us shots of the local fire-water.
When we returned to the hotel, there was a communist official waiting with police to speak to us, as we'd draped our flag outside the hotel window all day, it was a Union Jack flag with EVERTON FC on it, but with it being under Soviet communist rule, it was against the law, they let us off with a warning.
On match day, just before half-time, I got up to head to the toilets to avoid the rush, when 2 communist soldiers grabbed me, put my arms behind my back nearly breaking my wrists, threw me out of the ground, then nicked my scarf, and one of them thought it'd be funny to remove his revolver and push it against my head. They then knocked me into the gutter and walked away laughing, but fortunately I managed to get back into the ground in the 2nd half, only to see us get beat by a late goal I think.
Back at the hotel later, there was a group of spivs asking the Everton fans if they'd sell their jeans to them for a good price, as it was illegal for shops in Prague to sell them because it was deemed a western influence under the Soviet regime back then, but our Czech minder allocated to us ,warned us not to have any dealings with them or we'd be arrested.
There was chaos at the airport as we were leaving, as a gang of local lads, some armed with knives and bottles gave us a farewell surprise !
The lad I sat next to on the Dan-Air flight back to Liverpool kept his hand on his stomach through the flight, and when I asked him if he was ok, he told me he'd been stabbed outside the airport, but didn't fancy reporting it 'cos he'd have missed his flight, hassle etc.
Quite an interesting trip !

Been to most of the games mentioned ahead of me in this thread - but none come close to plymouth in the FA Cup in 1975.

Seven football specials and we took the whole place over.

Anyone who was there will know what I mean. It was mind-blowing!

Support like I have never seen (although the number of fans we took to Lille was absolutely amazing).
Any of the European ones in 07/08. Nuremberg was boss, but Kharkiv, Bergen and Fiorentina were just superb trips in every way topped off by a Christmas trip to Amsterdam in the coldest match ever

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