Transfer Rumour Ashley Young

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I get...and I should do at my age...that it's only a number and if you're good enough you're old or young enough.
And we've hired a few oldies who were OK
But I never liked him as a player, always came across to me as a bit of a smarmy, up his own arse, snide if there is such a thing.
He'll end starting and Myko the back up.
But this is the level we've been dragged down to Dumb & Dumber
I honestly though It was a joke or just fake news when I saw this. But a thread with 50 pages on a 38 year old Ashley Young. It's just confirmation of the pitiful position that this club is in right now.

I genuinely thought there would be a loosening of the profit and sustainability rules this season that would enable us to spend. But why is there apparently zero money.

I don't dispute that maybe young had a good season last year. But its a transfer that sends so many negative messages. The club still havnt spent a penny yet on positions we really need and it doesn't even look like it is going to either.
Show your workings.
I get...and I should do at my age...that it's only a number and if you're good enough you're old or young enough.
And we've hired a few oldies who were OK
But I never liked him as a player, always came across to me as a bit of a smarmy, up his own arse, snide if there is such a thing.
He'll end starting and Myko the back up.
But this is the level we've been dragged down to Dumb & Dumber

I shouldn't overreact

And I get that some will say "give him a chance" etc

However, all I will say is this;

When we sign used up aging journeymen players, it's very rare that they end up being worth the money

Delph, Williams, Rondon, Mark Hughes, David Ginola, Townsend, Walcott, McGeady, Cleverley, Hitzlsperger

I could go on

Basically, anyone who is worried or thinks this is a super underwhelming signing that isn't going to work is not being unreasonable based on past experience

By and large, when most of us think a signing like this is going to be disappointing, it's invariably the case

Spot on
I can remember Moyes bringing in Lucas Neil outside of the transfer window because nobody had offered him a contract. He did alright.

For me, a good indicator of a player’s quality can be found on their previous clubs fan forum, it normally shows whether they are disappointed or happy to see them leave.

Many Villa fans thought he was worth another year. Similar to how people on here, and Everton themselves, think Coleman is worth another year.

He’s a useful utility player that will prevent us from facing the same ‘no fullbacks’ situation that we faced against Bournemouth on the last day. He will prove a useful addition should we sign him, imo.

Completely forgot Lucas Neill played for us.
He may do well, so not calling him 'Deadwood' just yet.
But you have to remember that like all our current 'Deadwood'...the list starts at 'A' for Alli and is seemingly endless

'We' The Club, came to Him, 'We' The Club, offered him money.

The 'Offerers' are the problem - not the Offerees

Edit; Has he actually signed yet or will he decide - sod that for a game of soldiers
I don’t think people are looking past the number. He’s very fit apparently.
The other aspect of signing a 38 year old player is that any injury will take much longer to recover from than someone 15 years younger and we have a tendancy to have players pick up knocks that keep them out meaning young may end up losing more time than he normally would have.

Plus we have had a history of players legs going after we have relied on them one season longer than we should , just because young is fit and able last year doesn't mean in the next 12 months he will still be able.
Not impressed with this. You have to ask yourself when is a player just too old? If 38 is okay, where do we draw the line? Would 45 be too old or is that okay as well?
We need young, hungry and athletic players with upside. If we cant afford such British players, then be creative. Scout and buy from Africa, South America, Scandinavia, MLS, French L2, etc.

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