2020/21 Andre Gomes

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Flowers and plants thrive on horse manure, , do you think if we gave Gomes a daily diet of, no forget it, then again it might be worth a try. Neigh!!!
Whilst its true that pre-injury he was a bit up and down, for me, the injury has taken something away from him and at this point I doubt he will ever recapture the form that secured his Barca move.
It's mad how much of a different player he is now compared to pre-Son. He seems to want that extra half second before releasing the ball. gets caught in possession half the time.

Its really sad that I think pre-Son Gomes would shine in this current set up
Oddly you'd imagine if the injury had caused a psychological problem he'd want rid of it quickly rather than hanging on to it inviting a challenge.
Genuinely sad to see. Looks devoid of confidence, really hope he gets back to his best but at the minute looks to be regressing each game.

Hes declined so badly, sad to see. Now just hiding on the pitch. Most passes are backwards or sideways and then hides. Never passes and then moves into space demanding the ball back. Massive problem in midfield for us.
Really sad to see the decline in Gomes over the last few months. I really like him as a player and not sure if it is a due to confidence or a drop off after the injury as to why he is performing like he is. He definitely he has the ability unlike Davies.
He’s definitely worse since the injury, but he wasn’t great before it.

People were more forgiving due to his smouldering good looks and he seems like a genuinely nice fella. We already have too many of them, though.
This + a bit of delusion by the name of a previous club he played for.

Here is a bit of more manure. There are short memories on here. There is no way that the present Gomes can be compared with the player we signed. The deterioration is marked. That is my last word on the subject except to say "bin him" along with several others.

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